Friday, January 27, 2012

Chair Ass.

I am now getting ready for my first friday at my new job. I have almost made it through a whole week. I haven't been fired, I kinda know what I am doing, and when someone says lien waver I don't puke anymore :)  That being said I am all new to office life. I have to get used to office politics and all the food! Jesus, offices love to eat! Its killing me! I have seen cupcakes, monkey bread was mentioned in my interview, there is a candy drawer filled with type 2 diabetes, and today we are having a breakfast. Its been great getting to know my co-workers and the cupcakes were actually a fundraiser but I feel like everyday is a gauntlet of food I can't eat. I want to eat it, it looks delicious and my lean cuisine has nothing on the options provided (For Freeeee) but I must resist! The silver lining is that the new job makes it way easier for me to get to the gym, If I am at the gym between 4:45-5am then I can work out, get ready, and make it to carpool around 6:45. I no longer have any excuses. I let the holidays take over and I while I did lose the weight I gained, its time to get rid of that and more. I don't want my ass to look like the seat of my new awesome rolling chair (you have to enjoy the small things in life). I want a runners ass, or once again lets go back to Jessica Biel...lets take a moment of silence for the best body a girl could ask for...................................................................................................................
 I am off to my first friday as a cubicle occupant.... Pray for my strength against monkey bread, bacon, and eggs (the holy trinity of breakfast) now that I think of it, and again this is my wierdo imagination working overload but I just imagined myself standing in the corner, drooling, and rocking back in forth trying to withstand the powers of bacon. That might scare some of my co-workers who are not aware of my bacon issues... 

Happy Friday!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

French Fries

Get excited! This recipe allows you to eat what you are craving while still staying low calorie!

French Fries

2 russet potatoes (Peeled and cut into 1/4 in fries)
1Tbls evoo
1tsp salt
1tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

Heat your oven to 425degress
toss potatoes in Evoo, salt, and cayenne pepper
Spread evenly across cookie sheet
cook for 20-25 minutes or until the fries are starting to brown on the outside

Its super easy! and for less than 150 calories...

Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches

This is from the Cook This Not That cookbook, I recommend picking it up If you don't have it already. The recipes are amazing, low calorie, nutrient packed, and cost efficient.

Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches - 4 servings

You'll need:
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
Juice of half a lemon
Salt and pepper to taste
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (4 to 6 oz each)
1/2 Tbsp chili powder
1 red onion, sliced
2 Tbsp butter, melted in the microwave for 20 seconds
2 Tbsp hot sauce (Frank's Red Hot is our pick)
4 romaine lettuce leaves
4 sesame buns, toasted

How to make it:
1 Preheat a nonstick grill or grill pan. As it's heating, combine the blue cheese, yogurt, and lemon juice, plus a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir and set aside.

2 Season the chicken breasts with salt, pepper, and chili powder. Add the breasts to the hot grill and cook for 5 to 6 minutes on one side before flipping them.

3 Add the onion to the grill's perimeter. (If you're using a grill pan, you'll need to wait to remove the chicken before grilling the onions.) Cook the chicken until firm and springy to the touch, 4 to 5 minutes more. Remove it to a plate, along with the grilled onions.

4 Combine the butter and hot sauce and brush the mixture all over the chicken. Place a leaf of romaine on the base of each bun. Top with a chicken breast and spoon on some blue-cheese sauce(I switched out a slice of mozzarella cheese due to my intense hatred of Blue Cheese). Add grilled onions and the top half of the bun. Makes 4 servings

Per Serving: 421 calories, 44 grams (g) protein, 25 g carbohydrates (1 g fiber), 16 g fat, 680 mg sodium

Happy Friday

Well even though I want to cheat, and I would be cheating if I could.... I forgot my wallet :) so the fates are working against the fat kid today. They said, NO CHIPOTLE FOR YOU! I can't complain that much because I did bring my own lunch and I had breakfast before I left for work. I am just having one of those days where nothing really sounds good. I had kashi cereal for breakfast which is very good, healthy, and most importantly it actually fills me up. I brought low calorie healthy choice soup for lunch, and cheese sticks and a protein shake for snacks. So I am not going to starve, the fat kid seems to think that that is the case but he can shove it. Last night I made a recipe out of the Cook this not that cookbook. It was supposed to be hot wing chicken sandwiches with french fries but the dogs ate the bread so... we just had the chicken with fries. Now don't get all worked up just because I mentioned the words french and fry in the same sentence. These weren't your normal Mcdonalds fries, I used a recipe and portioned them out so they were less than 100 calories per serving . They paired nicely with the chicken especially because the dogs ate our other serving of carbs. I will put up the recipe along with calorie content if anybody is interested :)

Some of you may not know this yet but I am leaving Southwest Ambulance to join an Equipment rental company and next week will be my last week. I am going to miss a lot of things about SWA including the people, the adrenaline rush of a good ems call, and the daily dose of laughter provided by my daily dose of idiots who call 911.  I am also excited for a new adventure, but with this new adventure comes a whole new set of worries, complications, and stressors. The only one pertaining to the fat kid however is the fact that I will now be an office dwelling, cube occupying, large ass growing part of corporate america :) I know it is stupid but I am actually worried about going from a fairly sedentary job where I occasionally had to lift a gurney, pull a extra wide person across a bed, or just get up and move in general to a job where I sit in a chair for the better part of 8 hours. Of course there will be stairs to walk up and down and I will have more time (and hopefully be less tired) to make it to the gym. My hours will also be changing to a more normal schedule so I can go before work or after. I still worry that my ass will start to look like an office chair...Any suggestions to combat this will be welcome! except working on a treadmill, I can't afford that.

Enjoy your weekend. If you are going to be running in the Tough Mudder or PF Changs, GOOD LUCK and I am jealous. I will be helping a friend work Changs so say hi if you see me :) 

Monday, January 9, 2012

A day in the life....

 Picture 1: This is the red raspberry danish that I picked up and stared at for about 20 minutes, debating whether or not I was going to eat it. I looked at calories and fat, rated how good it would actually taste, worried about people finding out I had eaten, and finally put back in the basket where I found it.

 Picture 2: This is the back of the Red Raspberry danish...notice all the ingredients just for a freakin danish?! I think danishes should have less than 300 ingredients ( I may be a little over dramatic about that number) also notice the 350 calories just for a danish that would have taken me 2 seconds to eat, left me hungry, and probably tasted like shit

Picture 3: This is what is usually stocked in EMS rooms. When you haven't eaten a meal all day or are dead broke they are a god send but when you have carrots in the ambulance and you have to make the decision between the two, it can get very tricky

Picture  4: this is the fridge in the EMS room, I took this picture at night time so its pretty empty but if you can see its filled with soda, powerade, sandwiches, and water. I usually steal as much water as I can because I try to drink a gallon a day and this helps my wallet.

So this is what I battle every day. I look at the food, I pick it up, I think about it, I guilt trip myself, Imagine the look on my imaginary kids faces when I die from a heart attack and then I put it back...usually. Its hard and most of the time I try to stay away from them. Its also hard to get mad when the hospital is stocking these items for us at no cost, I appreciate all they do for us and like I said when you having one of those days when a breakfast, lunch or dinner break is nonexistent they are life savers. Some are better, some are worse. There is one hospital in the west valley that almost has water, apples, and oranges but there is one in the east valley that has bagels, candy bars, and chips...

ps: an EMS room is a room inside the ER of a hospital that is set aside for paramedics/emts to finish paperwork after we drop off a patient. 


Its a new year and that means its time for New Years Resolutions. Me and Scott have decided that part of of our new years resolution will be to cut down on how much we eat out. It has become ridiculous how much money we spend (that we don't have) on things we don't need. So it's time to start acting like the domestic goddess I hope to be one day and that means planning...lots of planning. There are women/men/families who do this all the time, I think they call it a habit or something like that. The new cool thing that these domestic goddess are doing and blogging about (which is also the cool new thing) is planning and executing a cooking day. So what you ask is a cooking day? Well not too long ago I was wondering the same thing, I had seen it on   a couple blogs and here and there on pinterest. I have known my mother in law to spend a couple hours or a day in the kitchen whipping up freezer meals so I think I may have to give up a day off and test out my kitchen skills. Now I can cook, fry, steam, and baste with the best of them, and by best of them I mean people like me who can follow a recipe and are not chefs. But to spend an entire day on my feet in a kitchen, sweating, burning fingers and constantly yelling at the dogs to get out of the kitchen is not my idea of fun. BUT! for the sake of our budget, my waistline, and my evening bonding time with the couch, I think I may have to try this! 
So a cooking day is where you spend an entire day cooking ( tough concept I know). You make freezer meals for dinner, pack snacks for weekday, make weekday lunches, make freezer bags filled with smoothie ingredients so all you have to do is throw it in the blender, make homemade egg mcmuffins for breakfast. And you do all of this with fresh produce, lean meats, no preservatives, lots of foil and ziplocks, a 6 pack of calorie free monster(coffee, soda, meth whatever works for you)  to keep you awake and slightly less cranky, and crocs to keep your knees from screaming after you spend 6 hours standing on tile. I think this is something that I will either A: need everybody out of the house for, or B: need a buddy and some wine to get me through it. BUT! at the end you should have a months worth of food and you won't have to spend weekdays worrying about what you will make for dinner, or going to McDonalds for breakfast because you work at 6am and if you want breakfast that means getting up at 4am. Remember this will be a painful trip to the grocery store, come armed with coupons, look for whats on sale, and repeat to yourself over and over again that it is a months worth of food. Once I get my game plan set (grocery list, meal list, xanax prepared) I will post it up here. 

here are a couple links to professional moms who do freezer meals

This lady is amazing, she is the planning guru

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year

First let me say, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! its a time for renewal, new goals, resolutions and all that bullshit :)

I hit the holidays hard. I ate everything in site, I ate all day long and I didn't work out as much as I should.The inner fat kid was more of an outer fat kid and he came to the party in elastic waist pants and baggy sweatshirts. I have lists longer than the day is long as to why I didn't go to the gym or why I decided to eat that 4th piece of pizza. I was sick, its the holidays, its too much trouble to make myself something different..Blah Blah Blah. So today is day 1 of healthy eating. Its countdown time, GAMEFACE! bikini time is slowly approaching and with it comes spring training (aka beer, brauts, and nacho cheese).

Last weekend I went out in style and ate shit all day every day but the good news is I also got my butt off the couch. Sunday and Monday I painted all day and Monday and Monday we also went and hiked Camelback. If you have never hiked camelback, I recommend it. It was fun and horrible all at the same time. I felt Bipolar the whole way up. " I love this, I hate this, the views are beautiful, I can't breathe, woo hoo I am working out, sweet baby jesus kill me now" but as soon as I was finished I was happy with what I had accomplished. If you are interested in going I recommend going really early, there are about 3 parking spots and 87 people waiting for them to open up. Yesterday was the first day I went back to the gym, I ran 3 miles/30min alternating sprints with jogging. I felt ok, my legs are sore today but its a good sore. My new schedule makes it hard for me to get to the gym but I really need to start pushing myself to get there. Food has been Ehhhh.... One meal I do great the next meal I eat whatever I want. I need to start making all my  meals in advance again. My mother law bought me another book in the eat this not that series, it is a collection of recipes that are budget and waistline friendly so I want to start trying different meals out of it.

I am going to be better about posting, I took a couple weeks off during the holidays and now its time to get in gear. I have a lot of work to do on myself for myself and my family. So goodbye cheesecake, goodbye pizza, and goodbye beer. We had a good run and I enjoyed the hell out of these last couple weeks, but you are bad for me and I am kicking you to the curb...again....dammit pizza is one smooth talking sob.