Back on the wagon
How many times have I
said that?
How many promises
have I broken to myself and to others?
This would be the
time I lose the weight
This is the time I
keep it off
I have been on every
diet out there
I have read every
nutrition book
I’ve been to a
nutritionist who specialized in eating disorders
I went to a
nutritionist who specialized in endurance athletes
I ate mindfully
I ate whatever I wanted
I ate only vegetables
and beans
I tracked
I didn’t track
I’ve been through
every emotion
I felt them all
Not Full
Where the fuck is my
pizza and donuts
Show me one more
piece of spinach and I will stab you
Brussel Sprouts are
Spinach in my spirit
Pizza is my spirit
No its fine, Michelob
Ultra is low carb
Seriously. No more
Give me a cow, almost
raw, just kissed on the grill and some horseradish.
I am like my own
spinning wheel of prizes
But sometimes that
spinning makes me bloated and full of donuts
I will never be, nor
do I want to be somebody who eats only spinach and chicken for the rest of
their life
I need moments with
pizza and red chili, and beer, and donuts
But as I have
discovered I have to regulate them.
Like a drill
This doesn’t mean I
need to feel guilty about eating them
(whew that I was a
big barrier to leap over)
But Moderation
doesn’t work for me
(read Swim Bike Moms
post on this, it’s fantastic)
I can’t eat a slice
of pizza 1x a week and be done
It wakes some kind of
beast in me that screams for all of the sausage in the building and a gallon of
So instead I have it
every now and then
I let the fat kid out
and then I cage him until next time.
But the longer the
fat kid is out, the harder it is to shove him back in the cage.
Also if I ate pizza
once a week I would gain 20lbs
Sure, go ahead and
But Lauren it’s not
your whole day, one piece of pizza doesn’t make you fat just like one salad
doesn’t make you healthy
Oh, Honey.
For me it does.
I have eat a fairly
regulated set of meals just to stay in the overweight category instead of the
morbidly obese category
(Both categories I
have to fight like a rabies filled raccoon to get out of)
This involves a lot
of egg whites and a lot of vegetables.
But you run all the
time, you’re an Ironman!
You are proving my
And I am sure someone
is out there screaming but if you only went vegan/keto/south beach/21 day
fix you wouldn’t have to do that.
And I can tell you, I
have tried.
And at the end of the
day everyone is different.
What works for others
may not work for me.
I think this is an
epiphany for me.
Why I struggle so
much with eating a way that keeps me in a healthy category
(Please don’t say you
can be healthy at any size. Happy for you but it’s not for me)
The reason that I
struggle so much and why I am constantly jumping on and off the wagon is that I
know at the end of the day if I truly want to lose weight and work on my health
(above and beyond my ability to run a shit ton of miles) I have to eat a very
regulated menu.
For the rest of my
My family and health
means more to me than that
But it turns me into
a foot stomping 2 year old
Alright chill the F
out Lauren, you are a 31 year old women who can cook a plethora of
different vegetables and enjoy them.
You love Brussel
sprouts you hippie weirdo.
And I still will give
myself breaks to enjoy food (and I will not feel guilty when I do)
Fucking but.
@#$*(&$@^ BUT.
I have to eat a lot
of vegetables, lean meats and egg whites in between those “fun” days
I also have to make
sure fun days don’t turn into fun weeks/months/years/my thirties.
So some days I
grumble into my foods
Some days I dive into
a plate full of broccoli like it’s my savior
Sometimes I decide
that today is a day for pizza and I unlatch the fat kids cage.
Just like some days I
run 20 miles and some days I sit on the couch
Moderation may not be
my thing but Balance can be.
I am on week 3 of my
regimented ways and shockingly its working.
The fat kid and I
cannot coexist on a regular basis.
We have to be friends
who see each other only at weddings and reunions
So If you see me and
I am eating my egg whites and broccoli please don’t tell me to live a little.
I want to live a lot
and for a long time
Please don’t tell me
its ok to have just one because I won’t
Please know it’s
taking a good amount of effort to make lasting changes and that I want to be
the best version of myself.
1 comment:
Wow!! So spot on and written so well. I know I’m a total stranger to you. I worked with your mom (who is an amazing person!!!), and amongst talking about your many races, she briefly mentioned your blogpost. So here I am lol. This resonates so much with me!!!! Just want to say that I understand the struggle. I have never done a triathlon so that part I can’t speak to. I do enjoy running though. Other life stuff is a struggle at times. Your a rockstar! Keep being the healthy, awesome you.
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