Meal Prep Template

I try to plan my meals every week, sometimes that happens sometimes it doesn't
It makes a huge difference for me when my breakfast, lunch , and dinner are already planned out. 
Each week (before I go to the groccery store) I sit down and plan what I want to make/eat for the next week. 
I look in my fridge/freezer and take stock of what I have on hand. 
I think about my training and how many calories I will need each day
and then I make a plan. 
I usually write down ideas first for all 3 meals. 
I will make 1 type of breakfast and 1 type of lunch and then I divide it up into servings, put it into Tupperware and stash it in the fridge so all I have to do at 5 am is grab and go. 
I also pre-portion snacks so those are ready as well. 
This is where I write all my ideas down

From there I make another list
(I love lists, my lists have lists)
I break it down by day
and then I break that down into a grocery list. 

 This sets me up for success
I only buy what I need which keeps my budget in check 
and each day I already know what to make for dinner
I usually don't make dinner a head of time becuase I enjoy cooking at night

I make all my breakfast/lunches for the week on Sunday
I also cut up my veggies and pre-portion my snacks

all in all this takes about an hour for me to write up and think out
1-2 hours of food prep on Sunday
and saves me houuuuuurs during the week 
It also keeps me honest, its so much harder to cheat on my meal plan when I already have healthy food ready to go. 

let me know what you think! 

You should be able to print these out and keep a few handy 

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