Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Quitin cold turkey

I am a paleo failure.

I tried it, I really did. I tried to be excited about trying something new and being a sprouts shopping, coconut milk drinking, no preservative hippie but that shit is not for me! I found that the more I tried to be good, the more I cheated. If I put a million limits on what I can eat then I just get cranky and pissy. Hangry became a constant state for me. So I stopped. That easy, I quit eating hippie shit cold turkey... impressive I know :)

That's not to say that I didn't learn something from it or that I am going to scrap every paleo tendency from my diet. I am going to continue to cut back on my grains, dairy, and sugar. Not because its paleo but because I honestly did feel better. I just can't cut it completely. As soon as I type that, a small but very competitive part of my brain screams out "Quitter!!!, what a sissy! You just don't have the willpower!" but I feel like this is the right decision for me and the fat kid. I have to walk this very fine line of not giving myself too much slack (because I will give an inch, take a mile) and not being too hard on myself.

I will continue to try and not put cheese on everything I eat because lets be honest, my breakfast,  lunch, and dinner don't really require a heaping portion of gooey gooey goodness. It makes it taste much better and but I don't have to have it. That was a revelation for me thanks to paleo.

So as I prepare my food for the week (a little late this week) I am trying not to think "paleo" or "hippie" but just healthy and good for me.

prepped foods:

roasted zucchini with garlic, salt, and pepper
roasted broccoli and bell peppers with garlic, salt, and pepper
grilled chicken
carrot sticks
egg whites

and for the sake of keeping myself honest... todays food diary

not my best day but not my worst either...

egg whites with bell pepper and ground turkey

trail mix
granola bar

prime rib sandwich with cheese on rye (no mayo!!)

avocado chicken salad lettuce wraps
with grilled peaches

I also went to the gym

10 min warm up on the stairmaster
30? 45? minutes legs
leg press 3x15 with 180lb
3x15 lunges with 30 lbs
3x20 box jumps

3x10 overhead press
3x10 curls

10 minute aaaaabs
50 crunches
25 reverse crunches
20 bicycles
20 floor wipers
3 rounds

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day Three

Well its day 3 of no cheese, no dairy, no sugar, and no grains. I am doing good and staying strong but geeeeezus would I love some Macaroni and cheese. I made the nearly fatal mistake of getting on the pinterest, I was looking for new recipes to try but everything on there is cheesy, gooey, dairy filled deliciousness wrapped in carbs. That plan backfired.

Sooo I decided I would write instead of scanning the web for food porn like some kind of van driving creeper.

I didn't go to they gym today but I did prep some more food for the week. I am a little burnt out on salad so I have been eating roasted vegetables instead. Today I made roasted sweet potatoes, zucchini, and broccoli. I toss the in coconut oil, salt, pepper, and garlic,then I bake them at 400 degrees until they are tender. It's pretty damn tasty if I do say so myself :)

Tonights dinner is Paleo approved Italian chicken, if it is tasty I will make sure to post the recipe.

Have a great day!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Hippie Shit.

Things are starting to get back to normal, I am still sad and I still miss him but I am ok.

Since the marathon I have avoided running at all costs but if I don't run that means I have to find some other form of cardio and I have to be even more careful with what I eat. I have started swimming more and reacquainting myself with the stair master just to break away from running, I have run a time or two but I have done mostly sprints. The last two weeks have not been the best eating weeks for me. No excuses, I just ate like shit and ignored the giant red, blinking,  vegas-esq sign that said STOP!! I did good for a little while, I cut back on coffee and sugar, I prepared my foods, but I always found a way to sneak in a "snack"  so now its time to face the music and the music doesn't lie. It makes you and the scale cry when you get on in the morning. So its back to the grind, and since owning up to my food crimes on the blog tends to keep me in line I am clearing my conscience.

After the marathon I decided to give the paleo lifestyle a try, I have had multiple friends tell me how awesome it is and how much better they feel. If you aren't familiar with paleo its main line of thought is back to the caveman basics. Eat, drink, and think like a caveman. No dairy, no sugar, no wheat, no grains of any kind, no alcohol,  and everything should be fresh. My brain translated this to "so your telling me I have to eat hippie shit?" the fat kid was not impressed, he likes dairy (especially cheese), and beer, and sugar. A lot.
So I grumbled all the way to sprouts (hippie shit),stared at the cheese case for a little while, then I grumbled all the way home, and I grumbled in the kitchen as I prepped my food. It doesn't taste bad, in fact most of the food is very good and not that different from what I normally eat but it means no cheese or sour cream on my lettuce wrap fajitas, no cream or sugar in my coffee (if you are not aware I drink cream and sugar with a shot of coffee), no fake sugar either. All of the stuff that I used to make my healthy food taste better and talk the fat kid off the ledge has been cut from my day to day diet. To sum this up in one word... BOOOOOOOOOO

Ok its not that bad but I just had to get all my pent up food anger out. I still have more days than not where I resent my body and my genetic make up that does not allow me to eat filib's on a regular basis. I like being healthy, I like working out, and I like feeling better but I still could go for a extra large pizza, wings, and a ice cold soda. I will say this, I have noticed a big change in how my stomach feels by cutting out diary and sugar. I am going to give it another shot, I am going to pay attention to the big red blinking stop sign that hangs above the the donuts and pizza, and I will learn to enjoy things without cheese.

So watch out, I am about to go all sorts of caveman on this place!