For Christmas I would like...
1. An ass like Jessica Biel
2. Arms like Jessica Biel
3. To look like Jessica Biel :)
4. to be able to work some martha stewart magic on my house
5. win the lottery
6. to be able to control my taco/beer/pizza craving
7. Somebody to invent calorie/carb free vodka (really, we can put somebody on the moon but you can drink and be skinny?)
8. The self control, will power, and determination to not give up.
I don't think that is too much to ask? haha ok most of you are probably either A. Laughing (what I was hoping for) B. going into mom mode and think, "aww hunny you are fine the way you are! who cares if every time you bend over you can hear your jeans scream in pain, while you die a little bit on the inside?" or C. "C'mon Fat Ass you can do this, quit whining and get off the couch!"
I myself am thinking of a combination of all three when I read my list, "C'mon fat ass, I just heard your jeans scream again and even though people like you as you are and being happy is more important than being skinny, think of how happy and healthy you could be!" all while laughing of course, because lets be honest...a world without tacos is no world for me.
This week was a struggle after my free for all last weekend. I know most of what is holding me back is a mental issue. I have good days, bad days, awesome days, and pizza days. Wednesday at work I did awesome! I worked out with my sister in law at 4 freaking 30, did my cardio and didn't cheat all day. I wasn't even hungry for most of the day. I honestly think I was so tired that I just didn't care and every time I started to get hungry we would run and call and I would forget all about it. Thursday I was trying to catch up on sleep after a busy week at work that I didn't eat that much either. But when I am home and my options aren't limited to food I can eat on the go or in the ambulance I tend to cook more elaborately than I normally would. So I had egg whites and Wheat toast for breakfast, I went out and got some coffee then planted my ass on the couch for some quality time with hulu and pinterest. I made some kind of chicken thing (I don't know what to call it, I browned some chicken and put it in the crockpot with a jar of beer and onion braising sauce then served over brown rice) it was a little spicy but under 400cal/serving and it was nice for a cold night. Tonight I am going out to dinner with my best friend from HS/Maid of honor and luckily she is awesome at eating the right things so she always helps keep me on track. Its hard to justify ordering fried chicken when the other person is having a salad, no cheese, dressing on the side and water to drink. It guilts me into eating the same. When we go out to eat and people are ordering food that isn't on my plan, I will usually take that as sign from above that its a splurge day (Yes I know the higher power doesn't usually use food as a sign)
I hope everyone has a good day, I will leave you with this picture....its either motivation for you or you are a boy and you are just going to stare at the screen for a few minutes. either way ENJOY :)

1. An ass like Jessica Biel
2. Arms like Jessica Biel
3. To look like Jessica Biel :)
4. to be able to work some martha stewart magic on my house
5. win the lottery
6. to be able to control my taco/beer/pizza craving
7. Somebody to invent calorie/carb free vodka (really, we can put somebody on the moon but you can drink and be skinny?)
8. The self control, will power, and determination to not give up.
I don't think that is too much to ask? haha ok most of you are probably either A. Laughing (what I was hoping for) B. going into mom mode and think, "aww hunny you are fine the way you are! who cares if every time you bend over you can hear your jeans scream in pain, while you die a little bit on the inside?" or C. "C'mon Fat Ass you can do this, quit whining and get off the couch!"
I myself am thinking of a combination of all three when I read my list, "C'mon fat ass, I just heard your jeans scream again and even though people like you as you are and being happy is more important than being skinny, think of how happy and healthy you could be!" all while laughing of course, because lets be honest...a world without tacos is no world for me.
This week was a struggle after my free for all last weekend. I know most of what is holding me back is a mental issue. I have good days, bad days, awesome days, and pizza days. Wednesday at work I did awesome! I worked out with my sister in law at 4 freaking 30, did my cardio and didn't cheat all day. I wasn't even hungry for most of the day. I honestly think I was so tired that I just didn't care and every time I started to get hungry we would run and call and I would forget all about it. Thursday I was trying to catch up on sleep after a busy week at work that I didn't eat that much either. But when I am home and my options aren't limited to food I can eat on the go or in the ambulance I tend to cook more elaborately than I normally would. So I had egg whites and Wheat toast for breakfast, I went out and got some coffee then planted my ass on the couch for some quality time with hulu and pinterest. I made some kind of chicken thing (I don't know what to call it, I browned some chicken and put it in the crockpot with a jar of beer and onion braising sauce then served over brown rice) it was a little spicy but under 400cal/serving and it was nice for a cold night. Tonight I am going out to dinner with my best friend from HS/Maid of honor and luckily she is awesome at eating the right things so she always helps keep me on track. Its hard to justify ordering fried chicken when the other person is having a salad, no cheese, dressing on the side and water to drink. It guilts me into eating the same. When we go out to eat and people are ordering food that isn't on my plan, I will usually take that as sign from above that its a splurge day (Yes I know the higher power doesn't usually use food as a sign)
I hope everyone has a good day, I will leave you with this picture....its either motivation for you or you are a boy and you are just going to stare at the screen for a few minutes. either way ENJOY :)
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