This journey to my first marathon has been a long one, its had its ups and downs. It is the one the most rewarding decisions I have ever made that I somehow still regret (kinda). The feeling of accomplishment and doing something I never thought I could do keep my feet moving along the road. I am now less than 1 month out from D-day and I thought I would share with you a few things I have learned along the way.
Here is my 10 step program to running a marathon
Step 1: Go to an extremely inspiring event. This usually involves people crying, cancer (that rat bastard), exercise, and raising money. For me this was PF Changs Rock and Roll Marathon, watching cancer survivors cross a finish line, people raising money for every kind of terminal disease, and realizing that this is something I can do to help make a difference. This is something I could do for my family members with cancer, for my god father, for all the people who can't get up and run. The moment you realize that what you take for granted and probably don't even think about in a normal day, other people are praying that one day they might be able to. If you run for a cause its hard to back out...
Step 2: Find a friend and get them drunk.
Step 3: Talk drunk friend into running 26.2 miles with you (make sure this is someone you enjoy spending time with and that you are ok sharing stories about bodily functions)
Side note: you can also join a bad ass running group if your friends refuse your awesome drunken plots. There are TONS out there and they will help you train and provide support.
Step 4: Find a race that inspires you. It doesn't matter why it inspires you, as long as it is something that will keep you on track. This could be a run to support breast cancer, a run that ends with free beer, or a destination race. I went for the destination race, because if I am going to run 26.2 miles it better involve a beach and drinks with umbrellas afterwards.
Step 5: Pay yo money. Its hard to back out when you have already forked over the cash. Unless you are a former lottery winner or trust fund baby, and it that case... Bite me.
Step 6: Spend lots of money on new gear (I will elaborate further after I finish the steps)
Step 7: Train. Train. Train. Train.
Step 8: Well I personally am not at step 8 yet but its race day. So run your race and kick some serious ass...
Step 9: Drink a cold adult beverage (unless you are under age, then you get a frosty glass of milk and a high five from me for being so far ahead of the game... seriously if you run a marathon before you are 21 you didn't reach your full lazy adult potential and you can probably still wear the same clothes from high school you bastard. Never mind, no high five for you! and quit making the rest of us normal adults look bad!!)
oh and pizza, eat lots of pizza!
Step 10: Ice bath and a hot date with ibuprofen...and pizza. It will be a super awkward but awesome bath.
Things you will need:
Good running shoes. I cannot stress this enough, go to a running store and get fitted. You will spend more money than is comfortable and you will leave an empty wallet, sweet kicks, new socks that are designed for runners, and insoles. It feels like a scam but its not, you actually need all of these things.
New socks. I prefer the ultra thin ones with arch support that a low cut. Don't go to Walmart and just grab any old pair. This is also something you will need to buy at a sports store, unless you enjoy blisters the size of a chihuahua.
Sweet fanny pack. You will be running stupidly long distances and this will save you from dying. You can fit all your waters, goos, and spare change in it. Again something you will need to buy at a running store, they have special running fanny packs that are not big and bulky.
Goo's. They suck and taste awful but they work and when you are running 2-5 hours at a time you need a calorie replacement.
Body glide. (If you need an explanation as to why you need body glide, go run 5 miles without it and you will see how effective it is when it comes to putting out the fire that your thighs rubbing together started)
Spandex. (see above) don't question it, just hand over your credit card to the judgmental 17 year old at Sports Authority along with your dignity.
Great tools:
seriously this website is awesome, they also have an app that you can use to log all your runs. It tells you your pace, calories burned, distance and all that fun stuff. I use the website to map out my long runs so I know where I am going.
I am sure there is tons of stuff I am forgetting but just leave a comment if you have any questions.
*** FYI these are MY steps to running a marathon and other than I am currently training to run one, I am in no way shape or form qualified to give running advice :) think of them more as helpful hints from a lightly seasoned running veteran (I've got the blisters and chub rub to prove it!)

ha. You thought I forgot to include a picture....
Here is my 10 step program to running a marathon
Step 1: Go to an extremely inspiring event. This usually involves people crying, cancer (that rat bastard), exercise, and raising money. For me this was PF Changs Rock and Roll Marathon, watching cancer survivors cross a finish line, people raising money for every kind of terminal disease, and realizing that this is something I can do to help make a difference. This is something I could do for my family members with cancer, for my god father, for all the people who can't get up and run. The moment you realize that what you take for granted and probably don't even think about in a normal day, other people are praying that one day they might be able to. If you run for a cause its hard to back out...
Step 2: Find a friend and get them drunk.
Step 3: Talk drunk friend into running 26.2 miles with you (make sure this is someone you enjoy spending time with and that you are ok sharing stories about bodily functions)
Side note: you can also join a bad ass running group if your friends refuse your awesome drunken plots. There are TONS out there and they will help you train and provide support.
Step 4: Find a race that inspires you. It doesn't matter why it inspires you, as long as it is something that will keep you on track. This could be a run to support breast cancer, a run that ends with free beer, or a destination race. I went for the destination race, because if I am going to run 26.2 miles it better involve a beach and drinks with umbrellas afterwards.
Step 5: Pay yo money. Its hard to back out when you have already forked over the cash. Unless you are a former lottery winner or trust fund baby, and it that case... Bite me.
Step 6: Spend lots of money on new gear (I will elaborate further after I finish the steps)
Step 7: Train. Train. Train. Train.
Step 8: Well I personally am not at step 8 yet but its race day. So run your race and kick some serious ass...
Step 9: Drink a cold adult beverage (unless you are under age, then you get a frosty glass of milk and a high five from me for being so far ahead of the game... seriously if you run a marathon before you are 21 you didn't reach your full lazy adult potential and you can probably still wear the same clothes from high school you bastard. Never mind, no high five for you! and quit making the rest of us normal adults look bad!!)
oh and pizza, eat lots of pizza!
Step 10: Ice bath and a hot date with ibuprofen...and pizza. It will be a super awkward but awesome bath.
Things you will need:
Good running shoes. I cannot stress this enough, go to a running store and get fitted. You will spend more money than is comfortable and you will leave an empty wallet, sweet kicks, new socks that are designed for runners, and insoles. It feels like a scam but its not, you actually need all of these things.
New socks. I prefer the ultra thin ones with arch support that a low cut. Don't go to Walmart and just grab any old pair. This is also something you will need to buy at a sports store, unless you enjoy blisters the size of a chihuahua.
Sweet fanny pack. You will be running stupidly long distances and this will save you from dying. You can fit all your waters, goos, and spare change in it. Again something you will need to buy at a running store, they have special running fanny packs that are not big and bulky.
Goo's. They suck and taste awful but they work and when you are running 2-5 hours at a time you need a calorie replacement.
Body glide. (If you need an explanation as to why you need body glide, go run 5 miles without it and you will see how effective it is when it comes to putting out the fire that your thighs rubbing together started)
Spandex. (see above) don't question it, just hand over your credit card to the judgmental 17 year old at Sports Authority along with your dignity.
Great tools:
seriously this website is awesome, they also have an app that you can use to log all your runs. It tells you your pace, calories burned, distance and all that fun stuff. I use the website to map out my long runs so I know where I am going.
I am sure there is tons of stuff I am forgetting but just leave a comment if you have any questions.
*** FYI these are MY steps to running a marathon and other than I am currently training to run one, I am in no way shape or form qualified to give running advice :) think of them more as helpful hints from a lightly seasoned running veteran (I've got the blisters and chub rub to prove it!)
ha. You thought I forgot to include a picture....
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