I am not a success story.
I am a lose weight, gain weight, work out, eat pizza, cry, eat egg whites, work out, drink soda, get mad, work out, eat salad story. I want to be a success story, I want to be an inspiration, I want people to look at and think “hell, if she can do it, then I can do it.”
So I eat my salads, I portion my “fun” foods, I run, I sleep, I drink more water than feels natural and I keep going. Even on days I don’t want to, those are the days I have to work that much harder. I slip up more than I should, I have my “why me?” days (dramatic, I know) and I have pizza days. I require A LOT of positive reinforcement to keep me going. I don’t know if this makes me like every other person trying to lose weight or if I am a tiny… well maybe tiny isn't the right word…isolated island floating in the sea of marinara (you thought I was going to get deep and inspirational, didn't you? Ha!). Not that I think that I am the only person in the world battling weight problems, I know that I am better off than a lot of people but when you see people eating whatever they want and 1 grape makes your ass expand, it gets frustrating. I guess that isn't really a realistic sentence either... I have never in my life eaten 1 grape. I eat the whole bag, then a bagel, then maybe some chips and top if off with a foot long sub if I am feeling peckish. Today I finished a foot long sub (oven roasted chicken, lettuce, tomato, bell pepper, mustard, on flat bread) before I got out of the parking lot... now, it was a pretty big parking lot and I got lost trying to find an exit but still. There are times I amaze myself... I don't even think about how fast I am eating most of the time. I think my thoughts today were, open wrapper, start car, put car in drive, EAT!!, drive, where is the exit to Bell Rd?, dammit that is one way, why is there a church next to a Macayos? shit, another one way, ooh a used bookstore! shit, did I miss the turn? crap, my sandwich is gone. Thinking is part of the change, I think about what I am eating, is it healthy? is it fresh? am I keeping the processed foods to a minimum? are my portions realistic? am I actually hungry? or bored? did I drink enough water today? ... or at least I try to.
Saturday Schedule:
egg white panini with bacon, Parmesan, thin whole grain bread
1 hour hike
rearrange the house
foot long oven roasted sandwich
lemon luna bar
grocery shopping
taco bowls
disney movies, pj's, and blogging.... you know... like an adult.
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