Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Sometimes your most difficult run can be your best run. Not in a "I just crushed that and PR'd" kind of way but in a "thank god I didn't die and that shit is over" kind of way. When you have a shitty run it feels that much better when you get home and it adds a little bit of pride to your day to know that no matter the level of suckiness, you finished that bastard and made it home alive. Yes, I know that seems a little dramatic but I still have the black lung cough and I am slightly nauseous so I am feeling a little dramatic.  
I knew it around .75 miles that this was not going to be my best run, mostly because I was already walking...and thinking about tacos. 
actually I am still thinking about tacos. 
But I finished the run and today that is the victory, not my time, not my effort level. Just finishing. 
It's ok to have those days, sometimes you need to have those to remind yourself that you can do it. To remind yourself that no matter how bad it sucked, you finished. If you can finish a shitty run then you can get through a bad day and still get to the gym. If you can finish a shitty run then you can eat a taco. If you can finish a shitty run then you can rule the freakin world. 
Actually that last statement probably isn't true, I think I am more dehydrated than I originally thought. 

here is a taco gif 


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