If you have ever read my blog then you know that I have a few "issues" with food.
These issues are centered around 3 main problems....
I eat too fast
I eat too much
I am constantly hungry
This has led to some unfortunate moments in my life and I thought that I should definitely put some of my most embarrassing moments on the internet.
Disneyland January 2013
I had just finished running the Tinkerbell half marathon and we all decided to go grab Subway as a post-race/ pre-Disney day breakfast. We walked in the door, I pushed my nieces to the ground and ran up to be first in line. I ordered my footlong egg white flat bread, filled up my drink, safely tucked away my cookies and got to work. Now the next few moments were a blur but the next thing I knew my sister in law was sitting down next to me with her breakfast. I came out of the red haze just long enough to hear Heather utter the words "Don't judge me, I ordered a footlong"
She was asking ME not to judge HER.
The hangry individual who had EATEN her entire footlong sandwich in the time it took Heather to order hers.
When Heather and I realized that I had already eaten my sandwich we both about fell out of our seats laughing.
I was kind of ashamed... kind of (I was mostly still hungry)
Mothers Day 2014
I got up early, ran 5 miles, ate an apple, and hiked North Mountain with my family.
Now, if you know me or have spent any time reading this blog then you know that AN apple is not going to fill me up or keeping me from torturing and pillaging the village folk.
So when we finally arrived at the restaurant I was a little... um... Hulk Smash-ish
my husband safely termed it "twitchy"
When we sat down I quickly ordered my cheese-less omelet with tomato slices and got to work.
I polished it off in about 5 seconds and our waitress came out quickly to clear my plate.
Scott was not far behind me and then proceeded to finish Heathers meal, in order to make room for her plate he put his empty plate in front of me.
No big deal, right?
I had already eaten, I was staying strong just minding my own business.
Then the waitress came back.
I know we have all had those moments where we think something maybe not so nice and somehow it comes out of our mouth.
This was one of those moments for the waitress...
As she came back to check on us she saw another empty plate in front of me and as she went to clear it and uttered the phrase
"oh you ate that too?"

Yes ma'am you did in fact say that out loud... and no I did not "eat that too"
After Scott and Heather climbed back in their chairs and quit laughing I might of smiled...
Most of these stories start with exercise...
That makes my red haze of hunger rage sound better
This morning I got up, biked 8 miles to breakfast where Scott met me with shoes and a table at The Good Egg.
Not a bad way to start my day...
So I ordered my usual, La Casa Potencia
6 egg whites, chicken, salsa, and bell peppers
Healthy, delicious, and a lot of food.
I was starving so while Scott continued to talk and tried to hold a conversation I focused on my meal.
I still listened I just didn't converse back...
We made it through our meal and we were getting ready to go pay when the waitress stopped by...
She looked over our table and said
"Well I was going to ask you if you needed any to go boxes but it looks like you ate it ALL"
She was so amazed that we had eaten all of our food.
I just looked at Scott... not quite sure what to say.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or pull out my hair...
I have amazed people with how much food I can eat and how quickly I can eat it.
I wish I could say that I am not always like this but I can't back up that statement
Scott and I find the funny in it and usually ending up laughing like loons as we each kill a large pizza

6 egg whites, chicken, salsa, and bell peppers
Healthy, delicious, and a lot of food.
I was starving so while Scott continued to talk and tried to hold a conversation I focused on my meal.
I still listened I just didn't converse back...
We made it through our meal and we were getting ready to go pay when the waitress stopped by...
She looked over our table and said
"Well I was going to ask you if you needed any to go boxes but it looks like you ate it ALL"
She was so amazed that we had eaten all of our food.
I just looked at Scott... not quite sure what to say.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or pull out my hair...
I have amazed people with how much food I can eat and how quickly I can eat it.
I wish I could say that I am not always like this but I can't back up that statement
Scott and I find the funny in it and usually ending up laughing like loons as we each kill a large pizza
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