Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Running and Diddy

I will be the first to admit that I am not always the most social person in the world.
 I tend to be very shy at first and I have always preferred the company of a very few rather than large groups of people. When it comes to racing I've never been any different, I tend to keep my head down, my sunglasses on, and my earphones in. I might have even growled a time or two at the people who would pass me and pat me on the back with a "good job buddy or keep going you've got this." Running to me used to be about punishing my body for the food sins I had committed or was about to commit( okay it's still kind of about the beer and pizza) . The farther I delved into the racing world the more I came out of my shell.
 I have never found a group of more positive or supportive people than I have in the running & Triathlon World. They are just so damn happy.
 I'm not sure how they manage it but I'm trying to be more like them and focus on the good that comes from running biking or swimming rather than the shin splints and raging hulk inducing  hunger. I've made more friends than I thought it would in the racing world, I always kind of figured that I would keep my close nit group of idiots and that would be the end of the story. Rather they seem to embrace me regardless of my foul mouth or my tendency to say inappropriate things at inappropriate times. I made a poop joke the first week and they haven't thrown me out so I think I'm OK. Its not uncommon for me to be bent over at the track trying not to throw up grasping my shins and complaining in ways that would make a sailor blush but without fail I usually hear a "good job Lauren" and I know I have to push through the next set of laps.

Maybe it's those endorphins I keep hearing about but I still think those are a load of crap.

Happy running everyone! 

and remember... 

If Diddy can do it...You can do it


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