This is a post about all the dumb decisions I make.
Let’s start off with a race I recently ran called Ragnar. 12 runners, 2 vans, no sleep, and 205 miles. Nothing about that last sentence says “I am a smart human” but I had fun… a lot of fun. More fun than I thought I could have running 5 mile legs while sleep deprived. It helped that I was locked in a van with my partner in all things idiotic Mrs. Heather Romero… Bad jokes were made, good jokes were made, inappropriate jokes were constant, yo momma jokes were shot off rapid fire. Overall we made some people laugh, we laughed, and we made others uncomfortable but that’s about par for the course with us.
Anyways after 2 legs, over 24 hours in a van, and a severe lack of pizza we started talking about all the races we want to do. Maybe not the best time to start discussing this… Races should be decided on a full stomach, after a full nights rest and while you are in peak training form. Not when you are trying to sleep with your eyes open, run, and your thoughts keep turning back to a large sausage and pepperoni pizza from Barros. This is when bad decisions are made, when you are delirious from your runners high you agree to things like more marathons, Ironmans, and eating more salad.
So what dumb decision did we pinky swear on?
Ironman 2016.
There, I said it. It’s on the internet so as my husband would say “no-takies-backies”
Ironman? I’m am not made of the things that Triathletes are made of.
I’m squishy. I don’t enjoy the feeling of a bike seat wedged up my ass. I like pizza. I cry easily.
The other part of me is screaming with excitement. My inner badass who is hiding behind the squishy-ness is bouncing in her seat with her bike helmet already strapped on. I could do this! Anyone can do this! With the right training, dedication, and severe lack of beer I could do this. I might be slow, overweight, and have my own dent in the couch but I could be an Ironman.
That is the pull of these races. Anyone can sign up but not everyone can or will finish. You have the chance to do something most won’t.
I can see myself hobbling down the finishers shoot, I can see myself training my ass off, I can see myself rolling in ice bags and pizza once I’m done.
I can also see myself whining to Scott about my knees hurting, I can see myself wanting to give up, hitting the snooze button when I really need to get my ass on my bike before dawn.
This will take a level of dedication that could break me. I am not sure I can do it, I am not sure I want to do it, but I will hold the sanctity of 3am pinky promises.
So in order to accomplish this goal I have to do the following. (words of encouragement, 4am alarm wake up calls, training buddies, and gifts in the form of carbs are greatly appreciated)
A. Volunteer at the 2014 Ironman to get my place in line for signups
B. Get my base level training to a point where I will be ready for a 6 month training program
C. Take a bike maintenance class so that I can actually change my own tire instead of calling Scott to come pick me up like I have done in the past
D. Increase my strength training
E. Work on an eating plan that will fuel my training
F. Set goals and smash them
G. Sign up for training races in 2015/2016 including but not limited to a sprint, an Olympic, and a half ironman
H. Cry a little as I spend my hard earned money on spandex and body glide
November 2016 is closer than I think… Time to strap on the old fanny pack, slide into my spandex, lube up, and get to training.
(You’re welcome for that image)
Let’s start off with a race I recently ran called Ragnar. 12 runners, 2 vans, no sleep, and 205 miles. Nothing about that last sentence says “I am a smart human” but I had fun… a lot of fun. More fun than I thought I could have running 5 mile legs while sleep deprived. It helped that I was locked in a van with my partner in all things idiotic Mrs. Heather Romero… Bad jokes were made, good jokes were made, inappropriate jokes were constant, yo momma jokes were shot off rapid fire. Overall we made some people laugh, we laughed, and we made others uncomfortable but that’s about par for the course with us.
Anyways after 2 legs, over 24 hours in a van, and a severe lack of pizza we started talking about all the races we want to do. Maybe not the best time to start discussing this… Races should be decided on a full stomach, after a full nights rest and while you are in peak training form. Not when you are trying to sleep with your eyes open, run, and your thoughts keep turning back to a large sausage and pepperoni pizza from Barros. This is when bad decisions are made, when you are delirious from your runners high you agree to things like more marathons, Ironmans, and eating more salad.
So what dumb decision did we pinky swear on?
Ironman 2016.
There, I said it. It’s on the internet so as my husband would say “no-takies-backies”
Ironman? I’m am not made of the things that Triathletes are made of.
I’m squishy. I don’t enjoy the feeling of a bike seat wedged up my ass. I like pizza. I cry easily.
The other part of me is screaming with excitement. My inner badass who is hiding behind the squishy-ness is bouncing in her seat with her bike helmet already strapped on. I could do this! Anyone can do this! With the right training, dedication, and severe lack of beer I could do this. I might be slow, overweight, and have my own dent in the couch but I could be an Ironman.
That is the pull of these races. Anyone can sign up but not everyone can or will finish. You have the chance to do something most won’t.
I can see myself hobbling down the finishers shoot, I can see myself training my ass off, I can see myself rolling in ice bags and pizza once I’m done.
I can also see myself whining to Scott about my knees hurting, I can see myself wanting to give up, hitting the snooze button when I really need to get my ass on my bike before dawn.
This will take a level of dedication that could break me. I am not sure I can do it, I am not sure I want to do it, but I will hold the sanctity of 3am pinky promises.
So in order to accomplish this goal I have to do the following. (words of encouragement, 4am alarm wake up calls, training buddies, and gifts in the form of carbs are greatly appreciated)
A. Volunteer at the 2014 Ironman to get my place in line for signups
B. Get my base level training to a point where I will be ready for a 6 month training program
C. Take a bike maintenance class so that I can actually change my own tire instead of calling Scott to come pick me up like I have done in the past
D. Increase my strength training
E. Work on an eating plan that will fuel my training
F. Set goals and smash them
G. Sign up for training races in 2015/2016 including but not limited to a sprint, an Olympic, and a half ironman
H. Cry a little as I spend my hard earned money on spandex and body glide
November 2016 is closer than I think… Time to strap on the old fanny pack, slide into my spandex, lube up, and get to training.
(You’re welcome for that image)
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