As a triathlete and triathlete wife I am currently in a cocoon of sherpa bliss.
What is a Sherpa?
Well in the Triathlon world it's usually the athletes spouse/parent/significant other/person who lost a bet who will be helping that athlete carry a lot of shit around (Including but not limited to bikes, bags, bike pumps, more bags, sunscreen, wet suits, and more bags), they scream and jump up and down when they see the athlete on the course, they will drive the athlete to the nearest drive through after the race, they come up with awesome signs, and they will listen to every detail of the course including that 3rd bathroom stop that didn't go as planned.
I really enjoy sherpa-ing for Scott
One of the best things about being the sherpa is that you are not racing but that's also one of the worst parts.
Watching him train day in and day out, two a days, 100 mile bike rides, and ice baths don't really get me ramped up for my race in October but walking through Ironman Village or watching athletes get their transitions ready really makes me wish I was suiting up with them.
So why am I in Sherpa heaven?
Its 3 weeks until Ironman Coeur D'Alene
Which means I get 5 days by a lake, a really beautiful lake.
I also don't have to run 26 miles so that always makes me happy.
However after a few days of sherpa-ing by a lake and out of the heat I get to start my training program for IMAZ70.3
The day we get back I get to plant my ass on a bike.
There are no take backs, no excuses, no bullshit.
I am scared.
I am nervous
I am excited
I am scared
I am putting a lot of trust in myself and that is hard.
I am embracing the suck
I am dreaming of post training pizza
I am really scared
There are so many miles between me and the finishers shoot in October.
Miles that I am excited to take on
miles that lead to pizza
Miles that lead to amazing things.
I have sat through 3 soon to be 4 Ironman events and there is really nothing that compares.
3 weeks until I leave the safe and warm cocoon of my sherpa lifestyle.
I can't wait to see whats on the other side!

1 comment:
you amaze me, so strong willed!!!
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