Thursday, July 30, 2015

Training Week 5

Where has the time gone? 
I can't believe its been 5 weeks since I started this nonsense
I can proudly say I have not missed one workout
I have had to slide a few around or push back 
but I haven't missed one
not even after I spent a night praying to the porcelain gods after a stomach bug
that was super fun

I have run countless miles
rediscovered the joy of chafing
and fanny packs
I have biked all over the state
my tailbone is in a constant state of sore
I continue to push myself to create new boundaries
 (both public decency and physical exertion)
I have spent what feels like more time in water than out of 
I am remembering why my brother used to call my "Briana Urlacher"
my shoulders no longer fit in cute shirts
only tank tops and football pads
I have washed my spandex more times than I can count 
I am hungry nearly all the time 
my weight has redistributed itself (mostly into my shoulders) 
I can feel a difference
I can see a difference
the scale is being a stubborn bastard
I know a number doesn't mean shit 
but c'monnnnnn
I have eaten more lettuce than I originally thought possible 
I am still working on my nutrition
because nutrition is a fickle little asshole who promises one thing then does another 
Sure! you will totally lose weight if you eat right and run your ass off
Oh.. I am sorry did you mean you wanted to see the scale actually move?
What I meant was you will lose water weight that will immediately come back 10x because you are drinking enough water to drown a manatee
Oh and by the way  I know you are like super hungry and you should be eating 2500cal a day but I meant 2500cal of carrots, grilled chicken, nuts, and lettuce soooo better get started 
and you should probably invest in a trough. 
The amount of "good" food it takes to get to 2500cal is a little bit more than even you eat
yeah. I said even you. 
I've seen you eat
seriously do you breathe?
I am demolishing food like its my job. 
Food is fuel and this tank requires quite a bit these days
Its hard to figure out what works and what doesn't 
its harder to figure that out when you are 15 miles into a bike ride

This is what I have found

bean burritos make excellent night before food
(homemade beans without the extra crap like lard)
They have salt, carbs, and keep you full 
Now that is not actual science(shocking I know)
that is me eating a bean burrito and having a really really good ride the next day

Stinger Honey goo's are the best during a long workout
they taste better than most I have found
the consistency is better 
they are organic

Watered down Gatorade works best for me during long workouts
as a supplement to my stingers 

Cold Ice water when you get home is the nectar of the Gods

After that a plate full of farm fresh eggs to replenish 

salads make great weekday dinners 
they are light, fast and easy
Kabobs are also awesome 

You can grill almost any vegetable and it will taste badass 

If you get tired of something, don't force yourself to eat it

Don't wait to eat. 
That results in growling and unkind words to your spouse

Listen to your body 99% of the time 

The other 1% when its whining about ice cream and pizza you can tell it to stuff it.

1 comment:

JenSpen said...

LOVE this. <3 Adequate protein consumption has become my newest hurdle and MAN does it make life suck when it's too low. And also, mmmmm...bean burritos.