I have an eating disorder
I know you are probably thinking I look more like an eating disorder survivor
I am not anorexic
I am not bulimic
I am Eating Disorder Non-Specified
Did you know that was a thing?
I didn’t
I thought you were either too skinny to be healthy
Or too heavy to be healthy
Or a crossfitter
No in between
I figured I would slide nicely into a binge eating/food aggression category
Do you eat full pizzas by yourself?
Have you ever sacrificed a taco bell menu to the gods of all things Hangry?
Hell yes.
Are you willing to share your food?
Turns out all these feelings I had about food put me in a separate category
I eat, but every meal
(unless it was Kale and Chicken)
Results in shame, guilt, fear of gaining weight, fear of going the other direction and not eating
As well all know this came to a head a few months ago
I have this amazing team of people now who’s only goal is for me to lead a joyous life free from the constraints of anxiety, body image issues, and food based shame.
Cool, right?
I know that my family, my friends, my circle of people have wanted that for me for years
I have wanted it for years
And now I have this team of people to help make that happen
A therapist (2 actually), a registered dietitian, my PCP, and soon an psychiatrist to help with the anxiety
Writing it out makes it seem like a lot…
But I want this shit to be over and done with.
And I have all these amazing people behind me supporting me like my husband, my parents, my family, my friends, the dogs (they are not sure what to do but wagging their tails seems to help)
One thing that my husband has told me that really sticks out is that shame thrives on darkness, it can’t survive in the light.
So screw shame.
I am done feeling guilty about what I eat or how much I eat.
I am done wondering if everyone at the table is thinking about what a poor food decision I just made
“Geez, she going to have another breadstick? I thought she was a triathlete or something”
(not that anybody has ever said that but my brain thinks they are)
You want to know the best part of this?
No more fucking dieting.
If the problem is dieting it can’t also be the answer
I get to eat what I want
When I want
I don’t have to run 20 miles to eat a slice of pizza
I can have pizza any damn time I feel like it
Or egg burritos
Or god forbid sour cream on my chipotle bowl
Or *gasp* a chipotle burrito
Pizza loses its power when it’s not some forbidden item that you can never eat
If you know you can have it all the time then you stop acting like it’s the last supper every time you get near one.
I would eat a whole pizza no problem and I would rationalize it as either
1. its ok because I ran/biked/swim a crazy amount today
2. this is the last pizza I will ever eat because starting tomorrow I am really going to stick to *insert fad diet name* and this could be my last pizza
So guess what? I am eating pizza
I have had more pizza in the last 3 months that I did in the last year
But! I stop when I am full, I slow down and work on recognizing my hunger/satiety cues and I don’t go overboard
That is the “normal” way to eat
Which most people are thinking, duh.
But I have never been normal
At some point in time something made me believe that the way I ate was shameful
So I started to hide my eating habits
(my parents used find me in the pantry at night)
what a weirdo.
I ate taco bell in parking lots and threw away the evidence before I got home
Just because I didn’t want to disappoint people
(What?! saying that outloud sounds capital K Ka-razy)
I was worried, so worried that that people would judge what I was eating or they would be disappointed in my food choices that my anxiety manifested itself into physical symptoms.
Physical symptoms!
Seriously Lauren?
Anxiety that could choke a Donkey.
I don't even know what that means but it suuuuuucks.
So now I am working on eating mindfully
I eat when I am hungry
(not just because the food is there)
stop when I am full
(not when I hate myself)
There are no good foods or bad foods
No “clean” eating
If you make such a big deal to eat “clean” food then you are telling yourself that the other food is dirty
Hmm. No thanks
More guilt? More Anxiety?
I’m gonna pass
I don't want you to think its easy and that I have had some giant revelation.
every meal is a fight still but I am creating new habits and that takes time.
So where does this rambling end?
No clue
The fat kid is out and wandering around in a daze
(He is very confused by the abundance of pizza and pancakes)
Sometimes he still wants to shove donuts in my face as fast as he can
But now we both step back, take a deep breath, eat the donut and move on with our day
Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we surface 10 minutes later with powdered sugar on our face.
He’s happy, I am working my way towards happy, and every day we keep working
We don’t succeed every day but we keep at it.
sorry bout that.
I love your raw honestly!! Yes, you are VERY correct in stating that you have people who love you and accept you! I love you for simply being the beautiful friend that you are - unconditionally!! You my dear friend are simply gorgeous, inside and out!!
Joni said it best. So glad you & Fat Kid are coming to a mutual agreement. You are a fighter. You are loved and respected. More power and peace of mind.
Xoxo JoJo
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