I have survived the first half of training, only 5 weeks to go.
5 weeks to take another considerable chunk of time off my miles
I have made significant strides with my speed but I have to now add in consistency
AND take away some of the standing on a random road trying to suck air into my lungs while convincing my legs to keep going and simultaneously yelling numerous amounts of curse words put together in creative fun lengthy strings.
Less of that.
I am starting to get into the longer miles and every weekend is based on when and how I can get my run in
Waking up at 5 (ON A WEEKEND!)
eating oatmeal
wearing fanny packs
having friends drive out to bring you lube on a Sunday morning
Yeah. That happened
Chill out it was for my arms
Oh, whats that you say?
Why would one put lube on their arms?
that's not the fun way to use it?
That's, like, your opinion man.
Also some of us don't quite think out the fact that their super cool back pack that carries treats (yes I call them treats) and water might create enough friction under their arms to start a fire (or draw blood)
Training is FUN!
also... time to switch back to the fanny pack
But progress is happening
improvement is happening
Those are W's in my world
Is there a chance that I won't hit the sub 2?
It's so hard to balance this brain of mine
Inner Athlete is screaming " There is no failure! We DO NOT accept defeat. Sub 2 or die trying"
Inner rational Lauren says "give it everything you have, but don't let this consume you"
Inner Fat Kid wants to know if we get pizza afterwards and by afterwards he means do we really have to run at all and can't we just eat the pizza?
Its a 3 way tug of war.
Right now I am leaning towards " If you can walk when you finish you didn't push hard enough but if you don't hit your goal then try again and a large Sausage double cheese."
Training continues
The inner battle continues
I continue.
Ya'll I had to put out an SOS to my running friends to bring me lube
And she showed up with multiples kinds
that cracks me up.
It just makes me giggle
Ok I will stop
everyone have a good week and I will try to get better at checking in
I sent out a lube SOS
Ok I swear that was the last time...