Saturday, December 26, 2015

Eviction Notice

I have  started working on fixing my issues with food from the inside out 
I want to have a healthy relationship with food
I want to enjoy it with out stress or guilt
I want to be healthy
I want to be happy
and I don't want that happiness tied to what I did or didn't eat this week 
So I am getting help
I have tried everything I know
 I have read all the books
 Studied the theories
I have tried this diet
and that diet
and that one too
I have worked my body to exhaustion and pushed it beyond limits
but I am still overweight and I am tired
tired of trying everything
tired of stressing out 
tired of food anxiety
tired of anxiety in general 

Part of my wishes I could just say fuck it. 
this is me
I am overweight, I am squishy. 
I can also run a shit ton of miles, out swim most people, and I am going to be an Ironman
but that little voice, that asshole fat kid whispers that its not enough
I am not enough unless I can be an Ironman who only eat kale and chicken
I see the ridiculousness in that statement
but when I am not strong enough
when I am tired
when I am sad
the fat kid goes from a whisper to a scream

the fat kid has had a long enough reign
its time to shut him up for good
and its not about losing weight
if this is me and I can say that I am eating right 80% of the time
that I am doing everything in my power to train for my races
then I need to learn to accept that
I need to learn to accept me
fuck the fat kid. 
be healthy
be me

So its time to bring in the big guns to give the fat kid his eviction notice

(specializes in disordered eating)

(Please.Please.Please do not worry about me. I am happy with this decision and I am sticking with it. No I am not ready to talk about it, no this is not anybody fault, nobody gets to place any blame or feel pity. This is not oh poor Lauren. This is positive.)

I have been struggling with sharing this information the last couple weeks. 
Not because I am ashamed, scared, or worried what people will think. 
I have worried about that crap for long enough.
I just prefer my privacy
BUT... if one person out there is unhappy, sad, and struggling. 
I hope you are able to find someone to talk to. 
If one person finds comfort in knowing that they are not alone
they are not the only one struggling
they are not the only one who feels like they can't do it alone anymore
then putting myself out there is worth it. 

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