Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Running and Diddy

I will be the first to admit that I am not always the most social person in the world.
 I tend to be very shy at first and I have always preferred the company of a very few rather than large groups of people. When it comes to racing I've never been any different, I tend to keep my head down, my sunglasses on, and my earphones in. I might have even growled a time or two at the people who would pass me and pat me on the back with a "good job buddy or keep going you've got this." Running to me used to be about punishing my body for the food sins I had committed or was about to commit( okay it's still kind of about the beer and pizza) . The farther I delved into the racing world the more I came out of my shell.
 I have never found a group of more positive or supportive people than I have in the running & Triathlon World. They are just so damn happy.
 I'm not sure how they manage it but I'm trying to be more like them and focus on the good that comes from running biking or swimming rather than the shin splints and raging hulk inducing  hunger. I've made more friends than I thought it would in the racing world, I always kind of figured that I would keep my close nit group of idiots and that would be the end of the story. Rather they seem to embrace me regardless of my foul mouth or my tendency to say inappropriate things at inappropriate times. I made a poop joke the first week and they haven't thrown me out so I think I'm OK. Its not uncommon for me to be bent over at the track trying not to throw up grasping my shins and complaining in ways that would make a sailor blush but without fail I usually hear a "good job Lauren" and I know I have to push through the next set of laps.

Maybe it's those endorphins I keep hearing about but I still think those are a load of crap.

Happy running everyone! 

and remember... 

If Diddy can do it...You can do it


Wednesday, July 9, 2014


There is a moment that every runner experiences at one time or another. This moment for me begin 5 steps into my first sprint of the night, I had already run 3 miles and I was gearing up to finish strong. I'm going to warn you now this is not for the faint of heart, as is par for the course for me. Scott I'm sorry it's been 3 years and the honeymoon may be over after this next sentence.

Let me say again this is the moment that every runner experiences... That moment where you feel a rumbling between your bottom half and your top half but you're not sure which half its gonna come out of. This happens for a number of different reasons maybe you didn't eat right today whether that's what you ate how much you ate or how much you didn't eat, maybe you didn't hydrate properly today or maybe your body's just giving youa big f you because its 110 out and you think running at the track is going to be a "fun" time.

Again let me apologize, I know not everybody who reads what I have to say is expecting to bond with me like this. it's okay this is a safe zone and we're all best friends now  :)

Another fair warning I am my father's daughter and I think poop jokes are funny, yes I am 27 years old and I still laugh at poop jokes if you do not find them funny I don't recommend checking out the next picture but it made me laugh. A lot. Like a lot a lot.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fat Kid Update

Holy Crap. 

It has been over a month since the last time I blogged!
So what have the fat kid and I been up to??? 

Whole 30.
Rocked it. (ok, maybe not rocked it but I finished it)
Cried like a baby over the loss of cheese in my life.
Lost 10 lbs. 
I didn't have any life changing or lightning bolt moments but I did feel better
I like it as a basis for everyday eating but not as a bible. 

Gained all 10 lbs back.
Drank A LOT of beer
Laughed so hard I cried
Ate a burrito the size of my head
Watched my husband drink, sway, and sing on a bus of equally drunken people

Started training for CYA (6 hour race)
then stopped training for CYA and focused on tacos. 
started training again and focused on shin splints

Started running with Gotta Run in Surprise
I met some awesome people
reintroduced myself to heatstroke
Spent a good portion of the time trying not to vomit 

Heather had the baby!
I have my partner in crime back
I have another awesome nephew
I get to hold a baby
and buy obnoxiously adorable clothes
people still think we are a couple at the gym. 

Decided to do a 100 mile challenge
100 miles in 31 days
easy? pffft  I got this. 
I am a runner. 
I run. 
Ok... I jog-ish
8 days and 27 miles in.
I need ice and ibuprofen. 

So that brings us to today! I have a 6 hour race this weekend that I am not prepared for but I have trained my liver hard for the drinking that will commence approximately 1 nap and 2 pizzas after the race ends. This race has never been about time or distance it has been a chance to get out of the heat and burn enough calories to validate a pizza binge. I am hoping to get around 15 miles in but the more miles I get in the more pizza and beer I get to have (do you see the theme??) So who knows maybe I will do a marathon this weekend... HA!
If I do a marathon this weekend, Scott better push me around whiskey row in a wheel chair. I will be that old lady sleeping in the corner with a peperoni stuck to her shirt and whiskey in her sippy cup. 
Actually that sounds pretty darn awesome...
 Scott please remember to pack my sippy cup and fanny pack! Oh and my calf sleeves and gaiters... 
crap. I almost forgot... my spandex too!!
Its going to be hard to look as cool as me...