Thursday, July 19, 2012

36 hours...6 pounds

I survived vacation.. well I kind of survived vacation. My liver still refuses to talk to me much less process any more alcohol. I gained a good 6 pounds in California then came back for a week, lost the 6 pounds, went to Texas and found out that those sneaky bastards were hiding in Texas!! So the 6 pounds found me again. I’ve already lost 3 of them and I am hoping the lose the rest by Sunday (the the pizza countdown officially begins!). I had a fantastic 36 hours in Texas, I earned every one of those 6 pounds. There were piles of homemade mexican food (nobody can cook like my family), 4 pounds of beans, copious amounts of alcohol, jello shots, no sleep, laughing, crying, yelling(not in a bad way that’s just how we prefer to communicate),champagne at breakfast, staying up until 2 am, whataburger, bull riding, chris cagle, and again… a lot of alcohol Whew I am tired just thinking about it. I did get up and run 3 miles on Sunday before the party started again but it was a slow run and it was a painfull run. I thought the heat here was bad,its nothing compared to the heat and humidity at 10 am in Texas. So now I am back, back to the real world, real salad, and real cravings. I have done ok this week, I had a couple week moments but I always got right back on track. Workouts have been hard but nothing out of the ordinary. We are going to do a big mountain run on Saturday if you would like to join me and heather just let me know (TBird mtn H3 trail at 4:30am). I have 6 more pounds until I let myself have pizza.I am craving it all day everyday now its been almost 2 monthsmonths since the last time I had pizza. I think I want to go all out and go to Grimaldis or possibly Barros. I have days that are mentally worse than others. Days where I want to give up and eat whatever I want and days where me and my metabolism can conquer anything. As always its ups…downs… andpizza filled pot holes

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