Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Disney Hangover

I know you are probably reading that title and thinking " Really Lauren? Drinking at a child's amusement park? Classy" but no, I did not drink... I thought about it, as being around screaming children tends to lead to me cradling and sweet talking a bottle of wine but this Disney hangover is purely a food induced hangover of cataclysmic proportions.

This was a trip solely based on food. I said to hell with calories and guilt, I am going to enjoy the hell out of myself.

Churros, Pretzels, and Ice Cream, oh my!

You really start to question your life decisions when you are sitting on a bench with 3 other grown women, staring down main street, surrounded by children while stuffing a corn dog in your face. Now that's not to say that I wasn't enjoying every moment of that but it still makes you think. This delicous hand dipped super fresh corn dog was post churro, post cream cheese filled preztel (YES. Cream.Cheese. Filled. 3 of the greatest words that can be strung together), post beignets, post cajun dinner, pre ice cream, pre tacos. Take a moment to re-read that list of awesome foods. CREAM CHEESE FILLED PRETZELS!

This was all fantastic, I had the time of my life, we had a churro in every land (thats a big CHECK! on the bucket list), I almost got sick of churros (almost), we walked 22+ miles in one day, spent 17 hours on the park property, went to bed waaaaay past our bed time, drank a lot of coffee, giggled like idiots, made inapropriate jokes about the Pleasure Island sign in Pinnochio, smiled stupidly at the characters, took a ton of pictures and crashed hard around midnight.

The next morning I woke up feeling tired but ok, I had some eggs and bacon at IHOP and we hit the road back to Phoenix. Then we hit McDonalds, for chicken nuggets and caffiene, then we rolled into phoenix just in time for Super Bowl.

Needless to say I am heavier than when I left, my head still hurts, I still have heartburn and I have a pretty clear picture of why I try to eat as healthy as possible. This 3 day Disney food hangover is BS!
 I have had a smoothie for breakfast, a luna bar for snack, I have my turkey skillet for lunch with steamed veggies, and dinner will probably be turkey chili. All of this was with a side helping of tums, ibproufen, and coffee (hangover trifecta)
 Matching Shirts
 Looking out the windows of the Monorail


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