Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Struggle is Real

I asked what if there were any topics that any of my readers (hi mom and dad!) wanted me to touch on. 
I was asked if there is anything I struggle with. 
What I struggle with?
Some days I struggle to put pants on and remember what I ate for breakfast 
some days I struggle to lace up my shoes and get my ass out the door
sometimes I struggle to be upbeat and positive
sometimes I struggle to sit still with all the energy (and coffee)
some days I struggle with making the right decision
some days I struggle to not eat everything in my sight
some days I struggle to get in 3000 calories to replace what I used up in training
some days I struggle with my 4am alarm clock
sometimes I struggle with spending so much time training and not with my family
I struggle to stay focused 
I struggle every day. 

But with every step I take, every mile I run, I get stronger. 
Every time I get in the pool or hop on the bike trainer when I really want to eat ice cream in my sweat pants I overcome one more struggle 
Every time I manage to shove the fat kid in a closet for a moment of peace I am winning the struggle

There will be something every day that I struggle with but the key is to not let that struggle take over
There will be days when you give in, forget to put pants and watch 7 seasons of parks and rec while eating 3 day old pizza. 
We all have those moments. 
Its ok to be human

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