Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 15: weekends, holidays, and sometimes birthdays

Eating at restaurants is part of life, we go when we don't feel like making dinner, for date night on weekends, and we go for family gatherings. So how I am supposed to stay on track? How do I find a low calorie and nutritious meal outside of my house? We don't always pick where we want to go either, just because I am trying to eat healthy doesn't mean everybody is going to want to go to wildflower bread co for breakfast or pita jungle for dinner. Tomorrow morning I am going out to eat with my husband, my parents, and my in-laws at a place called Daily Dose. So my challenge is to find something on the menu that fits within my parameters. I want something that will fill me up, is low calorie, and is something with nutritional value.

How do we balance eating right and splurging... I can't and won't say that I will never have pizza again or that cake is off limits. But I do have to set limits, I cant let myself gorge every weekend just because its the weekend and its time to relax. However I am not going to be sitting at the Thanksgiving table with a salad watching everybody chow down. Part of me hears that and says c'mon if you were really serious about this new food life then you wouldn't stray from your diet on holidays or birthdays. I think there needs to be a balance. Food has always been a very important part of my Family. We own restaurants, my brother is studying to be a chef, and we just REALLY enjoy food. Its what we gather around, its how we form bonds, and its how we spend time together. So I am going to enjoy food still but its going to be limited to special occasions and its going to be in moderation. There is no need for me to eat 3 helpings of Christmas Dinner, or to eat my whole birthday cake by myself.

There is also this fear that if somebody who reads my blog sees me eating something other than lean protein and leafy greens that I will have disappointed them. That if I ever eat another slice of pizza again I will be a failure. Its part of my issues with food and my need to please everyone but this is for me and my health. So if you see me out for a special occasion and I have a slice of pizza or cake, or a beer please don't think that I have failed (if you see me grab for a second slice feel free to slap it out of my hand) I am trying to find balance in a food world that is tipping the scales with krispy kreme and fried chicken and keep myself sane.

30 min run 5.7mph
15 min StairMaster fat burner plus level 7
sit ups

egg white omelet with chicken, bell peppers, onions, feta, pesto
turkey burger, 1sl low fat cheese, sandwich thin, mustard, ketchup
protein shake

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