Friday, September 23, 2011

My name is Lauren Ellis, I am a foodaholic and I am 30 days Clean :)

HOLY CRAP. I can't believe it has been 30 days already. 30 days of clean eating, 30 days of no drinking, 30 days of no fast food, 30 days of no soda,30 days of Healthy living. Where is my 30 day chip?!

I have lost 10 lbs, and gained a new found ability to control myself and my cravings. I still want all those bad foods but I am able to say no and walk away. Its hard to not reward myself with food for reaching 30 days but Food is Fuel not a reward. I have to use this as motivation to keep going, I am still way too overweight for my age and height. I have an additional 40lbs to go before I am going to be where I want to be and before I start to get into the healthy range for my height. So while 30 days is a big accomplishment for me, it can also be a set back for me if I let it. I have a busy weekend ahead of me and will have to be on my game to not slip up and eat a pepperoni roll. Tonight is the Dbacks game... another gauntlet of hot dogs, garlic french fries, and ice cold beer. Saturday is my first race, the Dirty 6. It is a 6 mile obstacle course ending with a mudpit. I will be running with Scott and one of my friends from work, Erik. Part of the advertising includes Food, Beer, and Mud. Hmmm gonna be hard not to grab a cold beer and pizza after the race! After that its off to the ASU vs USC game complete with tailgating. At least there I can use the Designated Driver excuse.

so 30 days, looks like the 2nd 30 is going to start off with a bang and by bang I mean a salad with light dressing :)

Side note: Coffee has been found to reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease if used in moderation. It can also help boost your metabolism. This was amazing news for me! I am back on the coffee train :) but I am using sugar free creamer and keeping it to 2 cups or less and drinking 1 glass of water in between. Still no soda and I am still trying to get in a gallon of water everyday

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