Thursday, November 17, 2011


I have never been the kind of person who writes their goals down or really even imagines what my goals are. I think its time to change that, I think that having something to work for will help me focus. I can go for a run and when I hit that point where my knees start reminding me that I am getting old and I am wheezing like 2 pack a day smoker, I can say HEY! REMEMBER THAT CHEER UNIFORM FROM HIGH SCHOOL YOU WANT TO FIT INTO? WELL ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BY WALKING, SO PUT IT IN GEAR SISTER! or something like that... I want to lose weight and be healthy but the selfish/vain part of me also wants to wear a bikini and look cute in jeans. So its time to set some goals.

1. I want to fit into my high school cheer uniform and I don't mean suck it in until I can't breathe and not be able to zip it up, I want it to be comfortable
2. I want to lose 50lbs by next April, I know there are always people who say "you don't need to lose that much" or "thats too skinny" but it's not, its healthy and its in the range I need to be in for my height.
3. I want to run a half marathon in 2 hours or less.

I think these are reasonable and attainable. BUT! I will have to work my butt off in order to accomplish them. My body likes being overweight, its quite comfortable at its current weight and its fighting me for every pound. BUT! I can do it. That's something that even a month ago I wouldn't have said and that side of me can kiss my big white behind. Its time to be positive and work hard, because with eating right and working out you get 100% out of it what you put in.

If you think you are too busy to workout then think of it this way, What fits better into your schedule? working out 1 hour a day or being fat 24 hours a day.

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