Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Turkeys, mashed potatoes, and an extra helping of Guilt.

The holidays are quickly approaching, Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas will be here before we know it. For many of us, this means family, fun, alcohol, food, and pants that are too tight. Throughout this journey of egg whites and celery I have always said that I will not give up enjoying life in order to lose a few more pounds. Even as I say that I realize how selfish and self serving that sounds, and I want to clear up exactly what I mean. I am slowly learning that enjoying life does not mean that I have to always have a beer when we go out with friends, or if we go out to dinner I don't have to have the fried chicken. I can enjoy myself and my friends or family while eating a salad. I don't have to tie what I eat or drink together with the amount of fun I am having. However there are some situations that I think you should have a beer or cocktail and enjoy the food to its full potential. My Aunt told me last weekend that "Life is too short to not eat bacon" and I agree but I don't have to eat bacon everyday or when I do eat it, I don't have to eat the whole package by myself. Self control and moderation are two of my biggest fights with the fat kid. So for Thanksgiving this year I will enjoy the turkey and all of its delicious sides but I will also go for a run in the morning that I don't feel as guilty while I stuff mashed potatoes into my face. I am planning on really pushing myself that morning and going for a run that will make up for the excess of calories, I am thinking 5+ miles but that may change :)

The sad part about all of this is even as I am writing this, I am battling the Fat Kid. Its that voice inside your head that says pssssshhhh you won't go for a will give this up soon enough, you can't keep this are always going to be overweight, once you accept that then we can fully enjoy all the things fat has to offer like keeping you warm in winter and eating whole pizzas by yourself.
But I will win and if that means I go to the gym twice today and run until I can't hear anything but myself gasping for air much less the fat kid, then that's what I will do. So take that voice you hear, make an egg white omlete and use the voice for motivation. Imagine skinny jeans, days of shopping that don't force you to have an anxiety attack because nothing fits, and a bikini next summer.... 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sweetie,
tough time of year to keep up the mantra,but sounds like you have the inner strength you need to get through it! Just remember, it is not just about the weight, it is about lifetime health and feeling good about yourself. It's ok to beat up on the fat kid, but cut yourself some slack, you are fabulous inside and out and we love you!