Saturday, November 5, 2011

Work out options
So here are two new workouts that i tried this week courtesy of Mr. Ellis :) 
Warning: you will not be able to lift your arms much less wipe your own rear!
Workout# 1: the 300
There is a ladies version and a men's, I did the ladies version twice and it kicked my butt.
Ladies 300
5 pull ups
30 dumbell dead lifts
20 push ups
25 body weight squat jumps onto a 24in platform
20 v-ups
20 dumbell push press
5 pull ups
I used a 15lb dumbell for the press and a 30lb bar for the dead lifts and v-ups
Men's 300
Same exercises but more reps
25 pull ups
50 db dead lifts
50 push ups
50 bw squat jumps
50v ups
50 db push press
25 pull ups
Here is the link to the youtube video with examples.

Workout# 2
The murph
I haven't tried this one yet but it's my plan for the day.
Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 body weight squats
Run 1 mile
Scott likes this one but he recommends breaking it into 10 sets of 10 pull ups, 20 push ups, 30 squats. You're supposed to do it in under an hour but the main goal is just to finish :)
Enjoy and curse me later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! It's so difficult to make a lifestyle change, my bf and I have been working on it for 3 years now. I promise you it gets better, we throw full-out healthy dinner parties that our friends and family love! The best part is knowing that you are helping your body to work at its best. Keep up the GREAT work!