Saturday, December 3, 2011

I like beer. and Pizza. Ohh ohhh and Beer... Damn

Most of you know from past posts about my constant struggle against wanting to enjoy life and learning to enjoy life without the fat producing, sloth inducing, fun having items such as beer... pizza...and cinnabon. I give into peer pressure very easily, I am a people pleaser. Most of the time I say yes ma'am and yes sir without realizing it, I say excuse me after somebody else body checks me at the mall, and as soon as somebody says "Lauren, we're getting a beer sampler" my response (because I don't want to hurt their feelings, that would be rude) is usually something long thought out and thought provoking like.."I'm down." I love beer. It's cold, delicious, and thirst quenching. So what had happened was... We went to Four Peaks for dinner last night with our friends Amy and Chris, and my sister in law Heather and my Mother in Law Karen. Heather and Karen had never been so we had to show them the amazingness that is Four Peaks. How can you not love fresh cold craft beer and really, really, really good food. So when you take a Four Peaks virgin for their first time you have to take them through all the essential steps. You must A. make them drink a beer sampler B. make everybody order something different so you can all share and C. Make sure somebody orders Arizona Chicken Rolls. These steps are very important, and we followed everyone of them. So after my good breakfast, my low calorie pride inducing/ego boosting lunch...I had pizza and beer. Amazing pizza and beer, but still calorie loaded pizza and beer. The guilt would have beer hard to deal with if not for the comforting arms of beer. I feel like this is getting repetitive. I like beer.

So now its Saturday, I made the whole wheat banana bread pancakes for breakfast. I think they turned out really good, Scott liked them too. The syrup was a little rich but I am not a big fan of pure maple syrup. I liked them with just butter on them. It was a nice alternative to regular pancakes, with the whole wheat and the bananas it turns a calorie loaded carb party into a calorie loaded carb party that you can be proud of. It is definitely a breakfast that should be a special occasion breakfast but still a crowd pleaser. I shared some pizza with my nieces and then because I didn't have any beer telling me its OK to eat pizza, I went for a 7 mile run. The run went well, my knees hurt but that's nothing new. I wasn't able to run the whole thing but I finished.

I am getting ready for the week and I am going to try and make some new breakfast items. I saw a recipe on pinterest where you just whisk up some eggs, pour them into a cupcake tin, and add whatever you like. You can add cheese, turkey, tomato, etc. and then you just reheat them when you are ready! sounds good to me :)

Will Power is a Muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

if you are interested in Pinterest.... just go to and I apologize in advance for your new addiction :)   

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