Friday, December 2, 2011

Lazy Day

Good news... I am clear to go back to work! woo hoo! this also means that I am clear to go back to the gym. I am still going to take it easy because I have never hurt my back before and I don't want to aggravate it again. It sucks! I went and did yoga yesterday. It was nice, I didn't break a big sweat but I am sore today so that's a good thing. Today is going good so far, I had egg whites with turkey, avocado, and cheese for breakfast. I had a salad with turkey roll ups for lunch and dinner is undecided. I am also becoming a very big fan of the skinny options at Starbucks. I have always been a fan of their zero calorie tea but  now that I can have a Skinny Peppermint Mocha, I am in coffee heaven. I think I know what the Christmas spirit is all about now, I am less inclined to kill drivers who go 30mph down a major road when I have some caffeine in me. Or more inclined depending on how much caffeine I have actually had....Life has been fairly boring today, I have spent all of my time at the doctor or impatiently waiting for work to call. Boring usually means a eating binge, or a cleaning binge, or a workout binge. But today it has been a relax binge...stressful, I know. I am letting my back heal? Anyone buy that? No? or I am just being lazy.

Todays exciting lunch :)

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