Monday, April 8, 2013

Channeling the Spirit of Chris Farley

You know what sucks about marathon training?  You are hungry all the time… and not just “oh give me a few carrots and I will be good” hungry. Like “somebody give me a whole GD chicken and leave me the hell alone” hungry.  Yeah…

 It’s not pretty and it’s certainly not lady like. Scott knows to just drop a goat in the cage Jurassic Park style and run for the hills after I do a major run .

 Yesterday I ran 18 miles (in a row!)  then I had an egg white sandwich from Paradise for breakfast, it didn’t fill me up but I was too excited to get to the lake to care too much. Scott also brought me a banana and some Gatorade to help me recover, running that much seriously kicks your ass.  Then I swam for an hour or two, kayaked around the lake and just generally relaxed with the hubs. This was all fantastic but by 4pm I was ready to EAT and because I had run 18 miles and then swam for a little while, I had calories to spare. So we went all out it was a sausage, extra cheese, hold the rabbit food and leave your dignity at the door pizza. It was delicious!!! I am still hungry today and its killing me. I had a big lunch of rotisserie chicken and a giant salad but I still could eat a couple foot longs from Subway (Yeah, I said it! Don’t judge).


This is me when I am hungry. Again… this is a judgment free zone, so lay off me, I’m starving!

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