Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I'm back!

I'm back.

My clean eating/running sabbatical was pretty awesome. I didn't even know I was on one, I just looked around one day and realized I was surrounded by a cocoon of pizza, beer, soda, and good times. Funny enough my running shoes were no where to be found and I had switched my daily dose of ibuprofen for a daily dose of tums.  I went back to Texas for a week and had an awesome time eating/drinking my way through multiple cities, family get together's, and finding new restaurants (I miss you fuzzys!). I have a new appreciation for Shiner Bock, BBQ, and the great state of Texas. But, all great things must come to an end and I am proud to say that I am back.

Now, what does that mean exactly?
Well, for the first time in almost 3 years I am not training for anything (except life mf'er)
That means I don't have to get up and run 18 miles on Saturdays, I don't have to eat 12 lbs of protein to keep my poor muscles functioning, and eating a slice of pizza every now and then will not cause a disastrous shift in my little universe.
But I am also heavier than I wish to be and since my stomach has not listened to my pleas to quit keeping everything like some kind of adipose hoarder, I have to get back to eating right.

Sooo.. (I know you are wondering if there is a point to all of this or just the ramblings of an a.d.d, oh hey look a squirrel!)

anyhoooo... oh right.

I am trying to get back in the swing of things, working out, prepping foods, eating right and saying no.
That's a big one, it is so damn hard to say no.

Would you like a beer? YEA NOOOO

Double cheese, extra sausage pizza? HELL YES! I umm mean no. no thank you

lets go run 5 miles! HELL NAH! JK! I will go get my running shoes...

Balance, right? Its all about balance...

Ten Ways to Get Your Diet Back on Track

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