Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Woooo Saaaah

I worry way too much, I stress, I create imaginary situations that may or may not happen but have not happened yet and I worry about that. I worry about anything I can worry about. It’s not my best quality but I have also found its part of what makes me, me. It’s why I push myself harder to be the best I can be, it’s what keeps me going when all I want to do is take a nap. Today is one of those days, I am just dragging ass. I can’t drink enough coffee to keep my eyes open and my give a shit is broken. I know I just need to get through the day, go home, make dinner, and just relax. Maybe go for a run to help decompress and come back tomorrow ready to go. 

So as I was thinking about what I would write I decided to shut my brain off and scan facebook for a little while, as I was doing this I came across one of those Jesus loves you E-Cards that said “my child, you worry too much. I’ve got this, remember? –God”

Now, I am not an overly religious person, I am a Christmas and easter mass/service going, catholic raised, Lutheran married hybrid.  But this struck a chord with me, sometimes the one thing I have to remember is just to have faith. Faith in whatever you chose to believe in. Whether that is God, the universe, or the idea that the cardinals may one day win the superbowl… Just Faith that things will happen the way they are supposed to.  As much as my bossy pants self would love to control every situation and every moment of every day, I can’t.

My promise to myself today is to not worry (too much). Projects will get handled, Training will happen, Races will be run, Appointments will be made (and kept). I have faith that I will find time for it all and I will accomplish what I set out to accomplish, maybe not with style or the upmost class, and I may stick a straw in a wine bottle as I work but it will get done.  

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