Thursday, July 16, 2015

Squatting with Pride

Training Week 2 

I am tired, my laundry is never ending, my pants (which may or may not be clean) seem to fit better and I am happy. 
What more can you ask for?
So what went on this week in the wild and crazy world of half Ironman training?
I ran
I swam
I biked
actually I had my ass royally handed to me on the bike
I met some friends for a hilly 13 mile bike ride,  no big deal right?
This was supposed to be my redemption ride. 
Well as I started up the first small hill my lungs gave me a big F*&k off and I fell to the back of the pack
I thought no big deal... I am ok with being at the back of the pack.
I am at one with my slowness
Sprout (the name of my little green bike) and I are very aware that we will not be winning any races
Well then that pack started to pull away
I still though meh, no big deal. 
Then I looked down the barrel of our first "real" hill and I thought maybe I needed new friends.
This is not fun
This is not how normal people spend their Sunday mornings
Normal people eat donuts and sleep in
this is what idiots do
Then I remembered I was the idiot who first signed up for Ironman Oceanside 
These were my fellow idiots
My people 
My very far away people 
So I pedaled
and I cursed
and I said screw this and walked
then I pedaled some more 
cursed some more
made up a few new curse words when I came across what could be the worst hill ever at the turn around point 
Saw a few donkeys
Called my husband for another lesson in small ring vs big ring 
I really really really have to work on hills 
My new goal is to make some hills my bitch
I don't care if I have to live at South Mountain or cry the whole Bartlett Lake ride. 
I refuse to walk my bike anymore
I may not be able to sit down to pee for a while 
But I will squat proudly

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