Thursday, October 13, 2011

Positive Reinforcement not Treats

I read a quote yesterday that said "Don't reward yourself with food, You're not a dog!"
I really like this, it makes me take a step back and think. Its more of how I need to rewire my brain to think about food. There are other forms of rewarding myself instead of using food. I can't let myself go out and binge or eat whatever I want every time I hit a mile marker. Sorry for the rant, I seem to have a very hard time not eating fatty, sugary, bad foods on weekends and after I hit a weight loss goal. I finally lost the weight I regained, and I lost 1 more pound. The 10lb mark is usually my hardest goal to get past, I can usually lose 10lbs pretty quick and then I stay at that weight or I start gaining back. So to lose that 1 lb is a big motivator for me. Have to keep going and keep my nose to the grind or in my case the mouth to the veggies and the feet to the treadmill.

Last week I went to Barnes and Noble, while we were there I went to go check out the cookbook/dieting section. I was looking for a book that had low calorie food ideas that was also budget friendly. I also looked for something that might help my with my food addiction. I wanted to read something for people like me, people who LOVE food but can't eat whatever they want. There was NOTHING.... plenty of low calorie recipe books, and even some that were budget friendly but none that had on the go options. There was were plenty of "diet books" the Atkins, the cookie, south beach, etc etc. But I have said from day 1, this isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle change and I was looking for something that I could use everyday and use in real life. Real life does not allow me to cook a 3 course meal in the back of the Ambulance. So I kept looking and finally I found a set of books called EAT THIS NOT THAT. They are amazing! Scott bought me the Eat This Not That NO DIET Diet. It has options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It shows you what to order at restaurants to make a wholesome low calorie meal, fast food or sit down. There are items to buy at the grocery store, and recipes to make at home. It has everything! I have used it all week and with results. Places I thought I had to stay away from I can now go back to and order the right meal for me and my lifestyle. Its great for in a pinch or on vacation. You can't always make every meal and you can't stay at home and never eat out so this is a great tool to have handy for whenever you do go out. I keep it in my purse and whenever I need it, its right there.  The Fat Kid is jumping up and down while screaming like a little girl with excitement... I can go to Arbys, I can go to MacDonald's and not feel starved or cheated.

This journey never fails to amaze me with what I have learned and continue to learn.

One more Quote...

"I am getting rid of the weight, not losing weight. Losing implies that you plan on finding it again"

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