Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Hangover

Well it was a busy couple of days with some highs and some lows, I will try and recap it all...

Thursday was great, we went for a 7 mile run, ate at Eisensteins for breakfast, went to the Paulson/Kernan household for Thanksgiving dinner and I had my first run at Black Friday! If you didn't know Eisensteins has great egg white bagel thin sandwiches for breakfast, they are under 400 calories and when paired with a fruit cup they make a pretty well rounded breakfast. The run went ok. My knees, hips, and ankle started to give out but we finished and that's all that matters. Its a big deal that me and scott were able to run 7 miles basically non stop and that we even considered the idea. Even a year ago we wouldn't have even thought about working out before a big calorie day. We ran the skunk creek trail behind our house, 3.5 miles out and 3.5 miles back. Then after some frantic last minute baking and showers we left for Thanksgiving dinner. We had a great time and I didn't even think about calories while we were there. I had beer, played dice, ate turkey and all the essential side dishes, then I even had pie....mmmmm pie. The turkey coma hit soon after and Scott was snoring on the couch, I couldn't move so I watched football and tried to not fall asleep. After that we went to the Lewis household for some more drinks and to say hi to friends and puppies. We also went over all the Black Friday adds to get ready for the midnight madness. Black Friday was fun, we started at 10pm and except for a 5hour nap from 3am to 8am we were out until 4pm. We had a late lunch at Four Peaks, I had a awesome greek style salad. So that was the Thursday/Friday Recap :)

Friday I had a big slip up, I went to jack in the box and woofed down a taco. I went back to my days of hiding food, eating out of shame, and not being able to say no. I got caught and it was horrifying. But now I can move on and keep trying to lose the weight. Going into Thursday I was 5lbs away from my goal of losing 10lbs in November. I gained 3lbs over the holiday but I have since lost 1.5 of that so if you do the math, I now have 6.5 lbs to lose in 3 days... Probably not going to happen but I am going  to work my ass off to lose as much as I can in those three days.

Workout Diary
Thursday- 7 mile run
Friday- 5 mile run
Saturday- 2 mile run
Sunday- day off

Food Diary
Thursday: egg white bagel thin(400cal) Turkey Dinner (8billion cal) 4 beers, coffee
Friday: Bagel Sandwich, greek salad, taco
Saturday: Egg white omelet, turkey sandwich and baked chips, I can't remember what we had for dinner (I'm getting old)
Sunday: coffee, artisan egg sandwich 310 cal, hummus(tapas size) and side salad with grilled chicken from pita jungle, no dinner (lunch was so late I wasn't hungry)

So now its monday and I have my game face on, I had a egg sandwich for breakfast 300 cal and I brought edemame, a salad, and an apple for snacks. LEEEEEETS GO!!!

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