Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year

First let me say, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! its a time for renewal, new goals, resolutions and all that bullshit :)

I hit the holidays hard. I ate everything in site, I ate all day long and I didn't work out as much as I should.The inner fat kid was more of an outer fat kid and he came to the party in elastic waist pants and baggy sweatshirts. I have lists longer than the day is long as to why I didn't go to the gym or why I decided to eat that 4th piece of pizza. I was sick, its the holidays, its too much trouble to make myself something different..Blah Blah Blah. So today is day 1 of healthy eating. Its countdown time, GAMEFACE! bikini time is slowly approaching and with it comes spring training (aka beer, brauts, and nacho cheese).

Last weekend I went out in style and ate shit all day every day but the good news is I also got my butt off the couch. Sunday and Monday I painted all day and Monday and Monday we also went and hiked Camelback. If you have never hiked camelback, I recommend it. It was fun and horrible all at the same time. I felt Bipolar the whole way up. " I love this, I hate this, the views are beautiful, I can't breathe, woo hoo I am working out, sweet baby jesus kill me now" but as soon as I was finished I was happy with what I had accomplished. If you are interested in going I recommend going really early, there are about 3 parking spots and 87 people waiting for them to open up. Yesterday was the first day I went back to the gym, I ran 3 miles/30min alternating sprints with jogging. I felt ok, my legs are sore today but its a good sore. My new schedule makes it hard for me to get to the gym but I really need to start pushing myself to get there. Food has been Ehhhh.... One meal I do great the next meal I eat whatever I want. I need to start making all my  meals in advance again. My mother law bought me another book in the eat this not that series, it is a collection of recipes that are budget and waistline friendly so I want to start trying different meals out of it.

I am going to be better about posting, I took a couple weeks off during the holidays and now its time to get in gear. I have a lot of work to do on myself for myself and my family. So goodbye cheesecake, goodbye pizza, and goodbye beer. We had a good run and I enjoyed the hell out of these last couple weeks, but you are bad for me and I am kicking you to the curb...again....dammit pizza is one smooth talking sob.

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