Monday, January 9, 2012


Its a new year and that means its time for New Years Resolutions. Me and Scott have decided that part of of our new years resolution will be to cut down on how much we eat out. It has become ridiculous how much money we spend (that we don't have) on things we don't need. So it's time to start acting like the domestic goddess I hope to be one day and that means planning...lots of planning. There are women/men/families who do this all the time, I think they call it a habit or something like that. The new cool thing that these domestic goddess are doing and blogging about (which is also the cool new thing) is planning and executing a cooking day. So what you ask is a cooking day? Well not too long ago I was wondering the same thing, I had seen it on   a couple blogs and here and there on pinterest. I have known my mother in law to spend a couple hours or a day in the kitchen whipping up freezer meals so I think I may have to give up a day off and test out my kitchen skills. Now I can cook, fry, steam, and baste with the best of them, and by best of them I mean people like me who can follow a recipe and are not chefs. But to spend an entire day on my feet in a kitchen, sweating, burning fingers and constantly yelling at the dogs to get out of the kitchen is not my idea of fun. BUT! for the sake of our budget, my waistline, and my evening bonding time with the couch, I think I may have to try this! 
So a cooking day is where you spend an entire day cooking ( tough concept I know). You make freezer meals for dinner, pack snacks for weekday, make weekday lunches, make freezer bags filled with smoothie ingredients so all you have to do is throw it in the blender, make homemade egg mcmuffins for breakfast. And you do all of this with fresh produce, lean meats, no preservatives, lots of foil and ziplocks, a 6 pack of calorie free monster(coffee, soda, meth whatever works for you)  to keep you awake and slightly less cranky, and crocs to keep your knees from screaming after you spend 6 hours standing on tile. I think this is something that I will either A: need everybody out of the house for, or B: need a buddy and some wine to get me through it. BUT! at the end you should have a months worth of food and you won't have to spend weekdays worrying about what you will make for dinner, or going to McDonalds for breakfast because you work at 6am and if you want breakfast that means getting up at 4am. Remember this will be a painful trip to the grocery store, come armed with coupons, look for whats on sale, and repeat to yourself over and over again that it is a months worth of food. Once I get my game plan set (grocery list, meal list, xanax prepared) I will post it up here. 

here are a couple links to professional moms who do freezer meals

This lady is amazing, she is the planning guru

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