Monday, May 13, 2013

The man that hung the moon.

I am going to take a step away from my normal blog topic, this has been a rough couple of days and I need an outlet.I am a very private person and I try to keep my everyday life (outside of my food and workout habits) off of the internet. I am not a talker and I tend to hold things inside for my own worry wort pleasure. So please bear with me as I try something new...

Day by day we are coming closer to losing a great man. I have been blessed to have many great male figures in my life including my dad, my brother, my cousins, my uncles, my husband and my grandfathers. I have been even more blessed to have all of them for 26 years but that record is quickly coming to an end as my Papa loses the battle against his health in Texas. He has lived a long time and in my eyes had a pretty good one.

 I don't want this to be depressing so here is to the man who hung the moon, Domingo Tellez...

Here is to the WWII veteran, the father, the grandfather, the husband. The detective, the police officer, the original DIY'er. The man who could fix anything, build anything and if you don't believe me then just threaten to pay someone to do the job in front of him. The man who carried around his grandchildren, drove them to school, let them ride in the back of his truck, drove them around the west coast, and let his granddaughter brush his hair and play pretend. The man that couldn't hear a damn thing. The man who could never get to the grocery store enough, and who was constantly worried about running out of toilet paper. The man that would eat anything and by his own confession would eat shit if it was prepared right. The man who preferred two fingers of the nasty. The man that built a see saw for the kids to play on and who would give them candy when mom's weren't looking. The man that would call me a smartass and then give me a hug.

He loves all of us without abandon, he gave the best hugs and I will miss him tremendously. Please say a prayer for him and my family, then have a shot of bourbon in his honor. Salud!

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