Monday, August 24, 2015

Oh Look... a Carrot

I knew it was coming
I could feel it barreling towards me like a freight train unable to stop
I could have done things differently
I knew how to fix it
I just didn’t listen
Now the train has come to rest after it barreled into the mountain causing an avalanche
That avalanche came so fast and so hard it dropped me to my knees
Right down in front of the goddamn refrigerator.
Nutrition is hard
I get that it’s not push a baby out of your lady parts or stop using drugs kind of hard
But C’mooooonnnnn
This food is bad
This food is good
This food is good unless the 7th moon is in the sacred house of Thor
This has gluten
Gluten is bad
Well kind of. Gluten is bad for some, great for others
Fat is bad.
Fat is good
Caffeine is a terrible addiction that will lead to cravings, starbucks gold cards, and a weird connection with keurigs
Don’t eat carbs, they make you fat
Unless it’s this specific kind of carb that of course how did you not know is perfect for you?
You  need to eat while you run
No. Not pizza, dumbass.
Never eat on a run
Gatorade will change your life
Gatorade will make you shit your pants on a run.
Chipotle… see above.
Everything in moderation
You need 3500 calories today… for breakfast.
Eggs are bad and filled with cholesterol
JK… eggs are great, egg whites are bad

It’s enough to make you want to running screaming into the hills or to the nearest nutritionist
Let’s not even get into the organic/free range/vegan/vegetarian fight.
I like meat. I prefer it to be raised ethically and sustainably. I also prefer to not pay $20/lb for a hamburger because the cow as happy before it DIED.
Oh god. I just made so many people angry. I am sorry… I take it back.
Also veal is delicious.
Dammit…. That last one slipped out.

Anyways… it’s hard.
It’s hard to find what works for you
What your body agrees with
What you agree with
What your family will eat
What they won’t eat
Where you can go to eat when you and your stove have a disagreement
When to eat
How much to eat

Food is Fuel
My engine is running (literally) damn near all the time
And its running long miles
I need lots of fuel
Good Fuel
None of that unleaded shit
(damn I miss pizza)

Saturday I went for an 11 mile run before breakfast
My goo’s didn’t sit right with me for whatever reason
And when I got home the last thing I wanted to do was eat (I know I was just as confused as you are)
I love to eat
I love to cook
I wanted food
My stomach wanted nothing to do with food
So I waited
And I waited
And then I finally ate, I forced myself to eat 3 meals.
None of them were shockingly healthy but they filled the requirements
Protein, carbs, veggies, fruit
But it still didn’t replace what I had used up
And I had a big bike ride the next morning
So I did my ride…
Low and behold I still wasn’t starving
I went through the same routine
Protein, carbs, veggies, fruit
Still not enough and I knew it
Well then Monday shows up like the reliable bitch it is and guess what?
I am a starving mess of hulk hangry empty bottomless pit-ness
And I am at work where I limit my food
The train has hit
The avalanche has fallen
And now I am just wandering around looking for survivors

Oh look... a carrot

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