Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Taper Ramblings

We are slowly starting to wind our way down to IMAz 
I opened my phone on Monday to a message from Ironman that said "Welcome to Taper Week AZ Athletes!"
Yeah? Really Ironman? 
It's not enough that you send me Athlete guides or Bib Lists
Now I need be smacked in the face with the fact that my sand is very quickly running out?
Well. Fine. 
I guess those emails ARE helpful
but they also give me panic attacks. 

It doesn't feel like taper week is here
Its Wednesday and I have already swam 7300m
I mean, Fuck. 
I swam so much today that I stopped at the Wendys in my gym parking lot to wreck the shit out of some chicken nuggets
That is not some very well thought out adulting
I am a grown up 
You think I would throw a granola bar or something in my swim bag 
Chicken nuggets
Spicy chicken nuggets 
because while I may not be adult enough to remember a snack
I am adult enough to eat childrens food that will no doubt give me heartburn when I go to bed at 8pm
Its a delicate balance 

I am so ready for training to be done with but I am not ready for race day to be here
Sometimes I think about it and I calmly mentally walk myself through what I think the day will be like from check in to crossing that finish line
Other times I think about the day and I consider turning to Scott and just screaming
Just screaming
maybe some shaking
probably some crying
maybe some chili dogs
who knows where that day dream ends up

I can see myself towing that start line
I can imagine making the turn on my bike
I think about running in the dark 
then I panic
Then I talk to Scott and calm down
then I panic again
I am pretty sure that this will be the routine for the next few weeks
But lets not forget that after I finish, I don't work on Monday. 
I work Tuesday and Wednesday
and I... 

Image result for thanksgiving meme

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